This Is My Kingdom Come

Start from the beginning

For one, Jade would've definitely frozen to death a while ago if it weren't for her, and Luna keeps Jade's sanity levels just a bit more steady. The reptile has a mind of its own and Jade might sound a little pathetic if she ever admitted that Luna has made her laugh until her stomach hurt on multiple occasions.

Luna is undoubtedly Jade's best friend. Jade loves the little creature as much as the little creature loves her.

But sometimes...

"Luna! Luna! " Jade calls out, running across the forest ground, hopping over branches and twigs that stuck out, dodging and ducking.

Luna had randomly flown off. Again. And now Jade has to find her before she gets too far.

She hears a familiar screech and runs towards it, sighing in relief when she sees Luna fly down from the treetops.

"Luna! What the fuck were you thinking?" Jade cusses and internally winces because if her father heard her curse like that while she was still a princess, she'd probably get grounded for the next five months.

Luna screeches again as she lands on Jade's shoulders. Jade can sense aggressiveness in the noise.

When Jade hears multiple footsteps behind her, she jumps and spins, eyes widening at the sight in front of her.

A girl with blonde hair is clutching a dagger with white knuckles as a very, very large canine stands at her side, teeth bared. The creature growls lowly, in a low stance as if it were ready to leap and attack Jade at any moment. The girl gives Jade a onceover and narrows her eyes.

"I don't want any trouble," Jade says, holding her hands out as a gesture to show she's unarmed.

The blonde girl stays quiet, so Jade continues. "I don't want you to get hurt."

At this, Jade sees the girl smirk, as if trying to keep a laugh in. This rubs Jade the wrong way and she feels anger rile up inside of her, which isn't the best idea when there is that huge dog-thing that looks like it's going to eat Jade up in one bite.

"Luna can easily burn the both of you to ashes," Jade narrows her eyes defensively.

It's not technically a lie, but it isn't the full truth, either. Luna will eventually be able to do that, but she's still much too small to cause sufficient damage.

At the sound of her name, Luna shrieks.

It's then that the blonde actually laughs at this, and if Jade weren't so angry, she'd be a little stunned at how beautiful the sound is.

"Your little lizard would be considered a snack to Shadow," she replies, the dog-thing snapping his jaws as if to show how much damage he could inflict to both Jade and Luna.

Jade's frown increases at the demeaning comment.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that and just be on my way," she starts to walk past the duo but quickly jumps back when Shadow snaps at her. Luna leaps from Jade's shoulder and flies towards Shadow, beating her wings against his eyes as Shadow attempts to shake his head, teeth baring. Luna flies off into the sky before Shadow can bite her.

"Call your dog off!" Jade commands snappily, sending a glare to the stranger before looking up through the treetops in hopes of finding the small dragon. She calls out her name multiple times. "Luna! Come back, Luna!"

"He's not a dog. He is a direwolf," the blonde girl corrects her, patting Shadow's head. Jade doesn't comment on that, ignoring the girl as she continues to shout out Luna's name.

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