Chapter 54

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in the car.

Young girls and little boys sit a bit cramped in the rear tail seat.

Especially a young girl, even if she doesn't know the car logo, she can still feel how luxurious the car is. She turned to look at the girl sitting quietly beside her, and said a little embarrassedly: "My name is Chen Xue, I'm home. Nearby."

The little boy was a little shy, he said milkily: "My name is Wang Xiaohao, and my home is nearby."

Qiao Xi said with a smile: "My name is Qiao Xi, I want to know, do the cats nearby often get lost?"

Chen Xue told Qiao Xi, "No, it just happened recently."

She said: "During this time, I always heard from the neighbors who kept cats nearby that the cats often ran out and didn't come back all day, and there was no cat shadow. Everyone thought that someone was stealing the cat and wanted to call the police, but they were found outside a house. Some people even saw their cats entering the house, only to know that many cats ran into the house."

At this time, the little boy said aggrievedly: "My ice cream is gone too."

Qiao Xi asked, "Do you know why cats love to run there?"

Chen Xue shook his head, "Some people speculate that the owner of the house prepared a lot of cat food to feed the cats, which attracted the cats to come over."

Otherwise, they really can't think of any other reason why the cats in the neighborhood would love to run to that house.

Qiao Xi confirmed again, "Is it something that happened recently?"

Chen Xue nodded, "Xiaohao's ice cream should have gone there too."

The little boy cried and said, "I'm going home with ice cream."

Qiao Xi patted his head, "Okay, get it back."

The little boy still remembered that the beautiful big sister's little goldfish was also lost, and he asked in a milky voice, "Why did the little sister's little goldfish disappear?" Isn't the little goldfish swimming in the water?

"Sister's little goldfish was stolen by bad guys."

"Ah, bad people are good or bad, how can they steal a small goldfish, it will die without water."

Qiao Xi rolled her eyes and told the little boy, "The little goldfish won't die, but I will die without him."

The little boy opened his mouth in surprise.

Chen Xue thought that Qiao Xi was coaxing Wang Xiaohao and making fun of him. She looked at the front and gave directions to the driver: "Turn left in front of you, then turn right, and then go straight, and you will see that house."

The car kept going forward.

"It's in front." Chen Xue pointed to the villa in front.

Qiao Xi looked over and saw that the villa was a two-story building with no other buildings on either side. There were many trees planted around, and the environment was quiet.

She parked the car under the tree on the side of the road, "Go and ask if the cat is at their house."

Chen Xue wondered, "How about you?"

"I'll be waiting for you in the car."

"The ice cream is bad. After running so far, I won't let the ice cream eat tonight." Wang Xiaohao said angrily, "I was scared to cry by it."

Chen Xue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'll take you to find it."

Qiao Xi watched Chen Xue lead Wang Xiaohao's hand out of the car, and the two walked to the big iron gate of the villa.

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