Eighty Four

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Mrs. Susan doesn't even mind the lady standing in front of the house and also ran to the door she saw Xiao Zhan entering and fell in front of the door and started banging the door. "Zhan! Baby, open the door for me! Zhanzhan! Zhanzhan! Baby! My baby, open the door for me! Please! Please, son! Son! Zhan!"

Sofi was taken aback hearing that son from her mouth and couldn't help but asked, "Excuse me, Madam. Mind telling me who you are and why are you calling Zhan your son and why are you chasing after him, looking like this? Can't you see you're bleeding? Or don't you just care to know you're bleeding?" Sofi asked, and that was when Mrs. Susan knew she wasn't alone.

Mrs. Susan who was sitting on the floor of the house turned and looked at the lady that spoke to her and wiped her tears that were streaming. "I'm sorry. My name is Susan and Zhan is my son. He used to live with me but because of some circumstances that happened between him and my son, I chased him away and ever since he left, we've been looking for him and I happened to come across him today. But he refused to talk to me and I had to chase him here."

Sofi on hearing her name was already boiling inside but seeing how she was bleeding made her able to hold back and not break her head more. "Oh, so you're the Wang shit that almost got him killed? You're the shitty woman who had the guts to chase a pregnant man away simply because your son found love in him? What should I do to you now? Should I add more bruises on your body because I'm so capable of doing that?" Sofi sneered and smirked on seeing how the latter shivered with her spoken threats.

"I don't mind whatever anyone does to me. You can kill me here and now, I don't care. But please, tell Zhan to go back before my son kills himself. I am not worthy of his forgiveness and I am not here to ask that from him. I'm only here on behalf of my son, the one responsible for his pregnancy. Please, tell him to come home with me before my son kills himself."

"Oh, You're not here to seek his forgiveness? Then why are you here in the first place? Because of your son? So because your son is about to die, that's when you remembered his existence?" 

Mrs. Susan shook her head and lowered her head. "It's not like that, but why should I ask for His forgiveness when I can't even forgive myself for what I did to him? How have I been to him all his life? I was a horrible mother to him and therefore, no amount of sorry would make him forget all have done for him. I just want him to come back to my son because he had suffered enough because of me. Yibo is dying..."

Suddenly the door burst open and Xiao Zhan came out on hearing the last words. "Boo, is dying? My Boo is dying? What happened to him? I thought he was married? Mrs. Susan, what do you want from me? I thought you despise me? You thought you detest me and you said; over your dear body will you all be with your son? Why are you using trucks on me now? Why?" Xiao Zhan asked, his face stoic and expressionless, trying so hard to act meanwhile holding back his tears.

Mrs. Susan turned and kneel before him. "Son..."

"I am not your son! Don't you dare call me your son again! I can never have a mother as despicable as you! Don't refer to me as your son again!" Xiao Zhan barked, his voice so deep and harsh that Mrs. Susan trembled in fear.

"Zhan, I am sorry for everything I did to you. I shouldn't be saying it because you don't need to hear it from me, but truly, I am sorry. Please, come back home and save Yibo. Please, don't do it for me, do it for Yibo. For the sake of the love, you have for him. He is yearning for you and almost died 3 years ago because of you. He had been searching everywhere for you, everyone has been doing that, I'm only lucky to find you. Please... Please... please Zhan, come home... Come home..." Mrs. Susan reached out his hand and cried painfully while looking at Zhan with eyes filled with tears and guilt.

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