Fifty Two

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In the evening, at the Wang manor, Zhan and Yibo both separately left the school and went back home. Xiao Zhan reaches early because he knows he will be the one preparing for evening dinner and he will have a lot to prepare, especially after the warnings Mrs. Susan gave to him in the morning. Once home, Xiao Zhan immediately rushed to his room, changed into the clothes he wears at home and prepared tea for Mrs. Susan. He hands the tea to her and asks for what he has to make for the evening. 

Mrs. Susan sneered, "Do I still have to tell you what to prepare for my beautiful daughter-in-law? How useless can you be this boy! You have been preparing dinners for so many occasions and you still have to ask me such a stupid question? What are you useful in this house tell me? What else is good at, if not whoring around, manipulating my husband and my son in this house! Just leave and spare me this headache, you bastard! Make something good, I will make you disappear!" She stoned Zhan with an irritated look and hissed.

"Okay, mother. I will do as you've said."  Xiao Zhan heard her curses silently leave the living room going back to the kitchen to start with his preparation. After a few hours, he was done with the food and left it neatly served on the dining table. He made sure he prepared so many dishes and was all neatly arranged on the table before he left for his room. 

Xiao Zhan rested for a while and was about to go inside the bathroom when his door turned open and looking at his door, he saw Wang Yibo entering the room. Wang Yibo missed Zhan like crazy but couldn't show any affection to him because of Yang Zi and how she was monitoring every one of his movements. He knew he was too harsh in the morning and had been looking for every opportunity to apologize to his baby, but Yang Zi became an obstacle to that. Wang Yibo went towards Zhan and kissed his lips immediately and he felt like nothing existed in this world for him. 

He missed those lips but didn't get any chance to taste them in the morning. And Xiao Zhan can't deny, he missed his man's touches and his warmth and let him inside his carven. They tasted each other with Wang Yibo's hand roaming around his body. Wang Yibo was about to advance but zhan stopped him.

"We should be careful not to be seen together. I don't want to be caught and beaten. We should be careful, we can't do all this now, and Yang Zi and her parents are about to arrive, you should get ready." Xiao Zhan said and this made Wang Yibo angrier and Xiao Zhan saw that. 

"Baby, we should be careful. In as much as I want you to take me and ravish me, but mother is home."

"I don't care.." Wang Yibo again took his lips and kissed him breathlessly which Zhan also gave in to the hot kiss. "Baby, let's leave this house, I still want us to leave."

"Are we going to talk about this now? Come on, Boo, let's do this when you're done with the diner. Come on, go now and get ready.. just do it for me...." Xiao Zhan smiled and caressed his man's face which made Wang Yibo shudder. Wang Yibo brought him closer and kissed him passionately, squeezed his lover's ass and winked when Zhan groaned at his dirty touch, he turned and left the room.

Xiao Zhan was left smiling at himself. Wang Yibo will become the reason for his death one day if he continues doing this to him. He sighed and started going inside the bathroom. He wasn't planning to come downstairs for the rest of the night. He knew he won't be able to handle all that and it was better to be away from all that instead of watching Yang Zi planning the wedding. 

And to avoid all that, Xiao Zhan brought his food to his room and after he was done bathing, he sat down to complete the work he had in school while eating. He was in the middle of work when Mrs. Susan called him to come downstairs immediately. He wasn't ready to face them but if he didn't go down he knew he would be in a lot of trouble. So he went outside to where they were all gathered. 

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