Twenty Eight

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Dylan Wang went home with his bleeding heart, asking himself so many questions and all isn't making sense to him. Why didn't he make his intentions known to Zhan? Why didn't he say something or court him? Why isn't he bold enough to do it just like SeungYeon did? Now, he has let his love be with someone he doesn't love, all because of pressure. 

Of course, he knew Xiao Zhan doesn't love SeungYeon and will never love him like he loves his brother. That he accepted SeungYeon's proposal was because he felt the one he loved had been taken away from him. He just accepts because he thinks it is the right thing to do, so he will forget about his love for his brother. 

He knows Xiao Zhan can never love anyone, if not Wang Yibo. But, if only he knew Xiao Zhan will even accept anyone, he could've taken the step instead and been with him, maybe continued taking care of him like he was doing.

Now his worries are, will he be happy with the guy he chooses? Will he love him? Or will he be hurting himself more? Dylan asked himself, but smiled, remembering how SeungYeon put so much effort to make the boy happy, and seeing him happy, also satisfies him. 

If Zhan is in a relationship with a guy he doesn't love, but he is happy, he will support him and be there for him. That's how he knew best to show his undying love. "I should've listened to Chen and courted him when I still had my chance, I guess I have lost my chance. He will laugh at me..." Dylan shook his head in disappointment. 

And talking about Chen made him remember he scolded him yesterday and asked him out of his house. "Oh fuck! How am I going to apologize to him now? What will I tell him? Oh speaking of him." 

Dylan, who was about to drive inside his compound, saw Chen coming back home, heading towards his own house. He immediately reversed his car and drove towards him. Chen saw his car approaching him and started running. 

Dylan climbed down from his car and chased after him. "Chen! Chen! Wait! Why are you running away from me! Wait!" Dylan sped up and caught him before he ran inside.

"Why are you running away from me?" He gasped for breath, and held Chen's hand, making the younger tremble at that touch. 

"Did I really scare you that much to make you run away from me? Alright, I am sorry for yesterday, I am sorry for the way I treated you, I was just drunk and insane. Please, forgive me... beautiful friend... please... please."

"I am not angry with you!" Chen, who can't stand that cuteness, blurted, trying to keep a straight face to not blush, hearing that 'beautiful friend' he was addressed with. 

"I was just disappointed with you. I don't like how you are hurting yourself because of him. I've told you several times, to tell him how you feel..."

"He's been taken..." Dylan sadly interrupted him.

"He's been what? The guy you said he loves finally proposed to him?" Chen curiously asked, even his eyes showed a hint of happiness and hope, maybe Dylan will look at him now- Chen thought.

"Nope, someone else who is bolder and not an asshole and coward like me. Someone bold enough to propose to him, and not like me, who is dying in silence." Dylan chuckled sadly, his head hung low, and Chen can see he is holding back his tears.

"How do you feel now? Are you alright? Are you happy he's with someone else? Are you hurt?" Chen asked, his voice solemn, accompanied with sympathy. He knew how one side's crush hurts and can understand how his crush feels, seeing the one he had been crushing after, being taken away from him. 

Seeing someone you loved so close to you, but can't get over him hurts so much and he understands the young man perfectly and knows what he might be going through right now.

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