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A car drove inside Wang Mansion and Mrs. Susan, who already knew who it was, came outside to receive her guest. She was called earlier by Mrs. Mandi and was informed of her coming into her house. They both have pleasant gestures with each other before Mrs. Susan led her inside her house and had the maids serve them. Once she saw Mrs. Mandi had settled down and had relaxed, she smiled and looked at her.

"To what do I own this sudden visit?" She asked, her voice audible, this is the kind of classy people she loves mingling with, the kind of upper class that befits her taste and she loves sitting and talking to them, never has she imagined herself being with low classless people and she hated them to the core and everything they stand with. 

Xiao Zhan in her house seemed he is tainting her family's name with his poverty self and that's why she hated his parents and now had diverted her hatred to their son and will stop at nothing, until she sees him leave this house and never comes back, in fact, if sending Xiao Zhan to his early grave will make him unable to step his foot inside the Wang compound again, she will do it 100 million times and damned the consequences.

Mrs. Mandi sipped her drink and smiled exuberantly. She gracefully placed her glass cup and looked at Mrs. Susan who had that smile on her face, happy with her presence. Mrs. Mandi cleared her throat, "Well, I heard your son returned from the US a day before yesterday, and I have come to welcome him as well. So, where is he? He must've grown into a very handsome young man." She cooed, and smirked, obviously she's happy she's to spill out her agenda of coming here in the first place.

Mrs. Susan also dropped her glass cup and smiled satisfactorily, "Well, he has gone to school, you know, he made a transfer to continue his studies here in China and I am glad he took that decision. He must've met your beautiful daughter, I guess," She smirked, her eyes glistening with that unwavering happiness, seeing the reactions of the other woman, hoping she would agree with her since she had the thought of binding the two families together with marriage. She had thought about it once Wang Yibo left for school. 

That moment she was left alone, she became restless and uneasy. She can't digest the fact that she can see her son is having a soft spot for the boy she hated so much, she can't be deceived. She knew what happened between them yesterday, though her son denies it, that doesn't mean she will be deceived either. 

She sees her son was the one that wanted to kiss Xiao Zhan yesterday is her son that's seducing the boy and not the other way round, but the hatred that consumed her toward Xiao Zhan made her blame him and will always blame him no matter who is at fault. She doesn't want anything to do with Xiao Zhan and definitely, not with her precious son. Once Wang Yibo left for school, she sat down and thought over what happened between the two.

"I must do something, I must look for a way to get my son away from that son of a bitch! Yibo though I'm blind, that I didn't see what happened? But one thing is for sure, it will be over my dead body. Will I allow him to be with that abominable child! A boy I want to get rid of and he is falling in love with him? Hell no! Susan thinks of something! Think before this boy succeeded in making your son fall for him! That will be my death!" 

She thoughts, sweating and restless for nothing, is not like she's busy cooking food for her children that left for school, but busy thinking of how to eliminate the houseboy that does absolutely nothing to her, someone who took him as a mother, did whatever a son would do to please his mother, but yet, none pleases her it increases her wickedness and only want to see him in pain and tears. And now, she is thinking of ruining her own son's happiness.

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