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"Wahh! Wahh!" Sofi had been doing all she could to calm the baby down. Her tears flowed while watching the bodies lying lifeless on the bed. She wishes there's something else she could do, some magic or whatever she would be able to use in waking them up. Since morning, she had been sitting, rocking the baby girl to stop her from crying, but the baby had refused to stop, no matter how she had tried. 

She had given her water, even sent out Darren's men to get her baby milk, she formulated it but the baby refused to drink. She guesses all she needs is her mother's warmth and breath milk. It was through Sofi was giving her the warmth and care that would've made her stop crying, but it didn't. The baby is seeking that familiar warmth she had always gotten while still in her mother's womb but she couldn't get it and that's why she kept crying and whimpering, making sofi shed tears the more because of her cries.

"Zhan, please wake up and breastfeed your baby. She has been crying and seeking her mother and no matter what I do, she still doesn't find a mother in me. Wake up please, you sleep enough." Sofi cried out, her tears soaking her cheek and the crying baby in her hand but she still didn't care. 

"You just have to wake up. Who do you intend to leave your sweat for nine months for? Me? I don't think I want to take care of her because I want you to do it yourself. You can't die on me. Baby needs you. You haven't even given her a name. Wake up please and do it yourself. Please, wake up." She cried endlessly and never stopped shedding bitter tears.

Sofi now turned to the direction of Darren whose wounds had been cleaned and bandaged. His body was indeed cold, but Sofi refused to accept that he was dead. His body was already becoming cold and darker, even the blood that was soaking the bandages that were wrapped on his affected places had all dried up and had turned black. Sofi doesn't need a soothsayer to tell her that her husband is dead, but she refuses to accept that. 

She knew Darren and knew how strong he was. He might not have received this many bullets before, especially when the place it pierced are the dangerous places, but she knew and believed Darren will fight this and will wake up and come back to life. She looked at him getting darker and broke into tears. 

"Baby, you can't do this to me! You can not do this to me. You said you will never die and leave me behind, and that even if that happens, you will come back and take me along with you. Why are you dying now? Why are you leaving me now? You want only me to remain in this cruel world? Who will then fight for me? You promise you will get back at my Uncles and take back what's rightfully mine. Now that you're like this, how do you intend to do it? Please, my love, wake up for me. We haven't got any children of our own. We have so much to do, please wake up and let's do it together. Wake up, please. Get up from there and come back with Zhan. We need you both, I and the baby needs both of you, please wake up... Wake up..." Sofi choked with her tears, and yet, it never stopped flowing.

"Boss' wife, he is dead and we need to go and inform his father. As for Zhan, I don't know, but I believe he will wake up. Please, stop doing this to yourself..."

"You will do no such thing!" Sofi barked and glared at one of the men that spoke. She was mourning and crying forgetting that she was with companies. Darren's men had all stayed behind to help her out and all were wishing and praying their boss wakes up along with Zhan. Darren was a good man, kind-hearted, playful and sweet, despite being a ruthless thief, but they know he was that only to his father and not anyone. 

They have been serving him ever since they were still younger, the very first day they saw him roaming around the street. They all grew up in the street and had known him ever since then. Seeing him lying dead on the bed beside Zhan is what they can't take and their tears as well were flowing, but looking at his pale skin, they know Darren is dead and there's nothing they can do for him if not send him to his father and have him conduct a befitting burial for him. He's indeed a hero, a selfless one at that. Even in his last breath, all he said to them was to make sure they protect his father and brother and make sure no harm comes to them, and the same thing applies to Zhan and Sofi. He told them to guard them with their lives or he will come back for them. Despite everything, how family had always come first to him. What a great loss of a hero, they all thought.

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