Thirty Five

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-At Dylan's Manor-

A few Days Ago*

"I'm fine now Chen. So, have you forgiven me? Will you follow me to my house? I have something for you, something you will like." Dylan didn't allow him to make his choice whether he wanted to follow him or not, he pulled his hand, then yanked him inside his car and drove back to his compound. 

Dylan doesn't understand why he always feels so attached to Chen, or why he always feels comfortable being around him. Maybe, it was because he sees him as his little brother, his friend and his companion. Someone whom he can't be without, someone who always listens to his cries, and was always ready to be all ears for him, someone who knew everything about him, how much he loves Xiao Zhan and will like to have him as his boyfriend, someone who knew how to calm him down whenever he was down. 

Even his parents don't know much about him, but Chen knows almost everything about him, his secrets and how he feels when he emotionally breaks down. Whenever he had a misunderstanding with Chen, he feels like a part of him just left him, like he is not complete. Why is he always feeling that way? Why is he not comfortable whenever they fall apart with each other? Why is he so attached to this cute boy? Dylan had repeatedly asked himself these questions, and it seemed he would be the only one to answer them himself. 

Dylan pulled Chen inside and gently made him sit down. "Sit here Chen, I will be back, okay. Don't run away the way you did yesterday, and secondly, I'm still sorry about how I scolded you.." Dylan smiled, looking at Chen who smiled shyly and looked away. 

Chen's heart skipped a bit whenever Dylan smiled at him like this, it seemed like he couldn't take his eyes off of him and always stared at Dylan's face and forgot to look away from him, and he always feels awkward whenever he was caught by Dylan staring at him. Sometimes, he became speechless and didn't know how to respond to him and that's why he had never before stared at Dylan's face whenever he was having a conversation with him. Chen nods his head. 

"Okay, I won't run away and stop apologizing. I'm not going anywhere, just go...." Chen chuckled without still finding the courage to look at him because of others' gaze on him, afraid he might end up diving in for a kiss.

"Okay, I will be right back.." Dylan said and dashed inside the kitchen, leaving Chen who can't sit comfortably on the chair he was sitting, squealing while fanning his hot face, Dylan might be his death one day if care is not taken.

"My heart calms down! And stop pushing me to do something I might regret. He doesn't see me that way, and I can't let my feelings get the best of me...calm down and know he sees you as his friend, or you might end up losing him.." Chen scolded himself and continued fanning himself. "Waoh! Why is it so hot in here?" 

"Hot in here? Really, everywhere is hot?" Dylan, who walked in on him and heard such utterances asked, looked at the four standing air conditions in the living room and saw they're all in their highest levels. He was thinking of switching off two when coming in with the ice cream in his hands, and now hearing his friend is feeling hot baffled him and made him look at the AC again. 

"Ah! Never mind... So, what are you holding?" Chen immediately asked, covering up his awkward situation.

"I messaged my butler and asked him to order this ice cream for you, vanilla flavour, exactly your favourite.."Dylan placed the plate of ice cream on the table and sat down beside Chen. "It's my way of apologizing to you and showing you how much you mean to me..." 

Chen jerked up, his heart thumping inside his chest and he quickly turned to stare at his friend who smiled, bringing the ice cream closer to his friend, so he could see it, oblivious that his words made someone's heart palpitate. "How did I mean to you? Really? I meant something to you?" Chen now turned to face him, his eyes sparkling and blinking in joy and expectations. 

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