Sixty Two

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Yang Zi arrived at Wang's mansion just as Mrs. Susan had called her earlier, asking her to come. She walked inside with all expectations to see Xiao Zhan and bully him like she always did, but to her dismay, it was another house servant that opened the door for her. 

She hissed and barked, "Why are you the one opening the door for me and not that good for nothing house boy? Huh! Where is he?" Yang Zi barked and was about to slap the maid when he refused to talk but Mrs. Susan's voice interrupted her.

"You idiot, can't you answer a simple question?" Mrs. Susan asked the male servant who bowed apologetically, but she hissed and waved at him to get lost. "Get out of my daughter-in-law's sight and get back to your duties! Stupid slave!" Mrs. Susan sneered in disgust and watched as the servant bowed to both of them and left. 

And once he did, Mrs. Susan broadly invited Yang Zi inside, "welcome, my beautiful daughter-in-law, come... Come and sit down, I have good news for you." She helped Yang Zi sit down.

"Oh, mother, my ears are itching already, tell me... Tell me.." Yang Zi excitedly said. Mrs. Susan told her everything that happened in her house, how Xiao Zhan was caught pregnant and how she practically threw him out. This made Yang Zi frown, but hearing that pregnancy furious. 

"How dare he open his cursed legs for my man? Do you mean to tell me Xiao Zhan is pregnant with Yibo's child and let him off just like that? I don't like this mother, he needs to be killed!" Yang Zi raged, her chest vibrating in so much anger.

"Calm down, daughter, what could he possibly do? The most important is that your wedding with my idiot son will commence in two days and that's more important. You should be preparing for it. Don't you know with him here, my very good husband might have agreed with him getting married to Yibo? What we should concentrate on now is planning the wedding and not on a good-for-nothing son of a bitch! A pregnant faggot! He's so disgusting!" 

"But it's because to make him suffer was my main reason for accepting to marry your son! I want to make life horrible for him in this house! How am I going to enjoy this stupid marriage? Anyway, I will inherit all Wang's properties for me and my mother. You old hang doesn't know what I'm capable of doing, right?" Yang Zi thought wickedly while smiling and looking at the happy Mrs. Susan. 

"Yes, mother, I guess no obstacle now... I can't wait to be the next Mrs. Wang..." 'And eliminate you" is what Yang Zi wanted to add but she only smiled, covering her devilish thoughts.

"That's beautiful. My son is upstairs and he needs to be comforted, right? And you know what a man loves the most. Why not go upstairs to his room and make him happy." Mrs. Susan said and pulled Yang Zi up and started going upstairs, going to Wang Yibo's room. The guards opened the door for them and let them inside. Mrs. Susan saw Wang Yibo sitting on the floor with things shattered everywhere. 

She immediately called the maids and had the whole place arranged and cleaned. She looked at her still sitting son and said, "Son, your wife is here to make you happy. She will make you happier than that slut. Be a good boy and don't do anything stupid or I make a call." She threatened, looked at Yang Zi and nodded for her to go ahead and make her son happy before she left the room.

Yang Zi went to Wang Yibo and whispered, "Baby, you know I can always be yours and soonest, I will officially be called your wife and you can have me whichever way you like." Yang Zi said across Wang Yibo's ear and Wang Yibo who was already reddened with anger immediately gripped her by her neck, pushed her down the bed and strangled her.

"I will fucking kill you! How many times do I have to warn you to stay the fuck out of my way? Do you wish death? I will fucking kill you! You bitch! Call off this marriage or sign your death sentence with me! Fuck you!" Wang Yibo thundered, his hands tightly gripping Yang Zi's neck, trying to choke her to death.

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