Twenty Seven

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Wang Yibo whined down his glass and glared at the stunned Xiao Zhan. "Welcome is my you enjoy his kiss?" Wang Yibo asked, his eyes peering into Xiao Zhan's anger and jealousy can be seen in his knitted brow and with the way he is tightening his grip on his steering, one might think he will pull out the steering at any moment.

Xiao Zhan that such a question was thrown at, acted like he wasn't the one the latter asked such ridiculous questions and cared less. His anger was, why would he block him like that? What if he hits him with a car? Has he finally gone crazy? Why did the kiss he had with his boyfriend have anything to do with him? Why is he even asking him such a question in the first place? Xiao Zhan asked himself and seemed to not be in the mood to answer such a question. 

He recollected himself, tightened his hold on his back and simply walked away from him, without uttering not responding to him. "I won't let you ruin my mood." 

Wang Yibo became irritated at that, how dare he walk out of him without answering his questions? He climbed down and with anger, he pulled Xiao Zhan's hand and dragged him. He asked, "I said, how does his kiss taste? Was it so much better than mine? I took your first kiss and he took the second, now tell me, which one is much better? Answer me!" 

Wang Yibo Intoned out, his voice so cold and almost sounds like thunder, but it seems not affecting Xiao Zhan who was just staring at him like he wasn't the one those questions was ventured on and added to the fact, that Wang Yibo pressed him against his, but he seemed not affected at all.

"Are you done? Are you really expecting me to answer such a question?" Xiao Zhan laughed out, hiding his pain and holding back his anger, trying so hard not to burst out, especially when the other kept provoking him beyond his limit. 

"If you're done ranting like a mad dog, then please, free me and let go of my hands! We're home and your mother might come out at any time, and gods forbid, you will again, deny me or throw one of your dumb accusations on me. Today was so beautiful for me, do not ruin my happy mood! Now, let go of my hands!" 

Xiao Zhan narrowed, almost whispering to him, but also hinted at a warning. His eyes did not leave Wang Yibo, as if mocking him, which made Wang Yibo angrier than he was.

Seeing Xiao Zhan was about to slip away from his grip, Wang Yibo again grabbed him and pinned him in his car again. "Your happy mood? Because you become a whore to my friend? Is that what makes you happy? Do you want to be his boyfriend? Are you that desperate to be with him? Tell me, do you enjoy his kiss!" 

"Yes!" Xiao Zhan seemed to have had enough. He repeated, "Yes! I enjoyed his kiss he is the best kisser in the whole wide world! Do you want to hear more? His kiss was twice as much as your force kiss! Should I go on? His lips are so soft, so delicate, that I don't wish him to stop! Should I continue? His kiss was and still is the best kiss and I will continue kissing him!..."


"Enough! Enough! How dare you! How dare you say that to me?" Wang Yibo slapped the hell out of Xiao Zhan and barked. He continued, "You are a worthless piece of shit! A whore! That's what you are!...." Wang Yibo gripped Xiao Zhan by the collar and made him stand up, his eyes raging with fire as if gonna kill Zhan at any moment.

Mrs. Susan, who was hearing their voices from inside and wondered what's making her son so agitated this way. Just this morning, he defended Xiao Zhan, refusing to listen to her and even left her, going to school and now, he is exchanging words with the one she can't wait for him to come home, so she will make him pay for bewitching her son and make him stand up for him. 

She came outside on hearing that voice and found how her son pinned their houseboy in that car and trusting her, she's so happy, thinking the spell had been broken. She was walking closer to them, to understand their conversation more and know why her son is acting this way, but stunned, when her son slapped their houseboy.

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