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Dylan Wang left to drive his car and started leaving once Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan left. He felt so useless and terrible that he couldn't do anything to stop Wang Yibo with how he was treating Xiao Zhan and how he dragged him away from there. He was supposed to stop him, hold his hand and make sure no harm came to Zhan, but who is he to stop Wang Yibo, his boyfriend? Of course, he is just his friend and can never be anything more than that to him. 

The male in question loved his so-called brother to the moon, he loved him with everything he got, he cried when he made him cry and felt like dying seeing him with another person, so, how can he compete with such love towards him? He doesn't even have the courage in him to open up his feelings towards him, afraid of being rejected or worse, he might avoid him and stop being his friend. 

He knows he is hurting himself, he knows Xiao Zhan will never see him as more than a friend, but why does it hurt so much seeing and hearing it from his mouth? Anyway, being his close friend and his shoulder to lean on is enough for him and he's ready to be that as long as Xiao Zhan remains his friend. 

He drove inside his compound and stayed inside his car, without moving or either coming out of his car, his thoughts were all in chaos, thinking, what could be the fate of Xiao Zhan now? What is happening to him now? Is he alright? Is he in trouble? He doesn't want him to come to school with scars on his body again.

He has had enough of seeing him in pain and all he wants to do is to take him away from that house, hide him where no one will hurt him again and spend his life taking care of him, loving him, even though his love won't be reciprocated by Zhan, he still doesn't care, he just wants to keep him safe and watch him every day smiling with his beautiful smiles he wants to see him with every day.

Dylan hates Xiao Zhan in pain and tears and despite being a cool guy who doesn't like trouble, but he doesn't mind, fighting for Zhan, beating anyone who dares make him shed tears. He is lost with his thoughts and gets startled when someone knocks at his car window. He jolted up and looked at that window and saw his neighbour's son with his dazzling smile and wondered what he wanted from him.

Dylan wined down his glass and looked at the boy who is smiling, giving him a 'what do you want from me' look, the said boy smiled and pointed at his face, "I have been looking at you when you drove in and was wondering why are not climbing down that I decided to come closer and know what you are doing." The sad boy said, which made Dylan wonder how it is his business. The boy continued, "But I guess, you are crying, look at your face," The boy pouted while pointing at Dylan's face.

Dylan became embarrassed and didn't know he was even crying while thinking about the boy that means heaven to him. After wiping his tears, Dylan gestured to the boy to come inside his car, which the boy gladly did and once seated, Dylan embraced him and started crying out loud. 

"He is back, the man he loves is back, and I don't see myself having my chances with him. Tell me, Chen, what will I do? How can I compete with him? The boy loves him despite being treated badly. My heart is hurting Chen, I hate seeing him and pain, but they're continuously hurting him, including his love. What am I supposed to do? What will I do?" Dylan cried, wetting the young man's clothes that he tightened his hold on him and let him cry.

Chen was Dylan's neighbour, they have been very good friends ever since Chen moved in with his parents. Dylan is always left at home with maids and butlers to take care of him, he never had a parental love all his life. His parents are one of the richest businessmen in China, always out of the country and always busy. When Chen moved in, he became friends with Dylan, his parents were just ordinary servants to the people they're staying with, they lived at the boys-quarters and served their master. 

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