Thirty Four

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At Wang's mansion, Wang Yibo who left the hotel earlier once he saw the two were about to stand up, stood up and Immediately left after sitting inside the car watching SeungYeon take Zhan to his car. He knew they won't go anywhere else since he knew Xiao Zhan can't sleep outside their house. He drove fast, leaving them behind and decided to make sure he was home before Zhan would return. 

He came home pushing the whole throw pillows on the couch down, kicking and punching his fist at the wall, like they were responsible for his misery. Crying and ruffling his hair in frustration, feeling dejected and can't seem to breathe in properly. He feels like he might suffocate looking at the time and still yet, Zhan isn't home yet. 

This is almost 10 o'clock, and his Zhanzhan is not back yet. Was it a bad idea to leave them behind? What are they doing now? Why are they still wasting time? Why Zhan isn't home yet? What should he do now? Wang Yibo asked himself, and his eyes never left the entrance of the door, waiting for it to open.

"Zhanzhan... Zhanzhan, please come back home to me... Come back to me, Zhan. To me where you belong... What have I done to myself? I don't even know what they're doing or what's keeping them? My Zhanzhan, please... please Zhan, come home.." 

Wang Yibo can't continue venting out his anger on the pillow and walls and decided to pour his heart out, feeling pain and bitterness, blaming himself for treating the house boy he loved so much like he had been doing, wishing he could turn back the hands of time and show his Zhanzhan how much he missed him, instead of being a jerk because of his mother.

He shouldn't have listened to his mother, he shouldn't have let her manipulate him, and now, everything is falling apart for him. The boy he had cried for and couldn't wait to go back home and be with him had been taken away from him, he had slipped away from him because of his stupidity. 

Where will he start to mend their relationship? What will he do to make his intentions known to their house boy? How will he get him to be his? Why is he acting like an idiot? Wang Yibo asked himself, crying his heart out and seeming can't control his tears.

Still drowned in his pain, he heard the car drive outside the mansion and decided to check what's happening between them. There, he found Zhanzhan kissing his friends, and seeing that kiss, his heart shattered into pieces that he couldn't stand to watch anymore, he might die seeing such a scene and decided to simply leave from there. 

He went back inside and upstairs, thinking, is time he let this stop, is time to open up his heart to the other and tell him how he feels, if he will accept him, then he guess luck was still in his hand, but if he doesn't, he go at any length and make sure he will win him back, no matter what it will take him, he will do it.

He heard footsteps climbing upstairs and he knew it's Zhan. He slowly turned around. Seeing the other was about to walk inside his room, reviewing his crying face, stunned Xiao Zhan, but he just simply wanted to walk away from him.

"Zhanzhan...I remembered." Wang Yibo quivered, his voice was so painful and solemn that Xiao Zhan halted and turned to look at him and see how his tears continuously rolled down. 

"I never forget, Zhan, I never forget my promises towards you and I can never forget it. I remember promising to take care of you, to give you food when you are hungry, to always do anything I can to see you happy, to never be the reason why you will shed any drop of tears, to love you, to cherish you and to ...."

"Don't say it!" Xiao Zhan interrupted him, his tears flowing down and his heart so heavy, his whole body numb hearing the promises his boo made to him, everything he had promised to do for him and asked him to wait for him, which he did all these years only for him to come back home and caused him nothing but tears, embarrassment, humiliation and pains. 

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