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"This is close to 4 pm and Xiao Zhan is yet to come back home. What is keeping him waiting? What is he thinking? I can see that boy wants me to kill him this time around. He thought he is in the same category as my son and doesn't know he should be home by now?  God help you, Xiao Zhan, god should help you, because, what I will do to you today even your wretched parents in the grave will not recognize you, they will tremble to see you from there." Mrs. Susan gritted out, having that sinister smile on her face, gnashing her teeth, while thinking of what she will do to Xiao Zhan if he sets her eyes on him.

School closed 1 hour ago and Xiao Zhan hasn't returned from school. How dare he? Who told him to make such a mistake? Hasn't she warned him against coming home late? Is it that Xiao Zhan has suddenly grown wings after seeing her son? She will show him his place today, and now he is supposed to come back and attend to her, even though her son's class hasn't ended, he should know he has something to do and leave first. Only God will help him today, Mrs. Susan thought to herself while looking at the wall clock.

She is still dwelling in her evil thoughts against her house boy when she hears the car driving the garage and checking on who that is, she finds out it is her son's car. She smiled and also gritted her teeth seeing Xiao Zhan sitting on the passenger seat. 

She gritted, "This son of a bitch! Who does he think he is? A president's son! Tsk.. why is it that common people like to be treated like a king? Imagine him, sitting down while my son drives him around? Wonders shall never end! Xiao Zhan, wonders shall never end! Come and meet me here! Do you think I will be easy on you today? I will not, I will deal with you! Come inside," She whispered with so many wicked thoughts running through her mind while waiting for them to come inside.

5 minutes, no sign of Xiao Zhan and her son. 10 minutes, same thing. Mrs. Susan gasped and wondered what's keeping them, could it be that something happened to Xiao Zhan, no! Who cares? Did something happen to her son? Oh no! She needs to go there and find out what is keeping them, and God helps Xiao Zhan, he shouldn't be the reason or heaven might break loose. Having these thoughts in mind, Mrs. Susan got up and left the house, going to the garage.

On getting there, she heard her son's discussions with Xiao Zhan, she furtively looked over there and saw what's happening between her son and her houseboy, she gasped and checked if anyone else is seeing this and what boiled her mind the most is how Xiao Zhan is surrendering himself to her son, allowing him to touch him like that without resisting. 

"God! This boy has sworn to ruin my family! He has succeeded in seducing my husband and now, my son? What is he thinking? God! I will strangle him!" She gritted in so much hatred, and stomped out of her hiding and tiptoed there. She sees her son is about to kiss Xiao Zhan and quickly interrupts the disgusting scene before she will puke. "What is going on here?" 

Xiao Zhan immediately pushed Wang Yibo and straightened his clothes, his breathing becoming rapid and his heart thumping inside his chest. Sweating all of sudden, even seemed like someone who had received the beating of his life. 

He tried to open his mouth, but words couldn't form, he stole a side glance at Wang Yibo as if asking him for help, but Wang Yibo's face looks like he wasn't even an accomplice to this like he's not the one that started this dirty game in the first place. Xiao Zhan can now see he is alone here and doesn't know what to say or do. But his mind kept screaming, you should've resisted him, you shouldn't have allowed your emotions and yearning to take the best of you and now, you are in trouble.

"I said, what is going on here? Xiao Zhan! Are you deaf?" Mrs. Susan stoned Xiao Zhan with a wicked look, her heart boiling with anger and just wanting to kill Xiao Zhan here and now. 

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