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"You slut! Shameless good for nothing son of a bitch! come back here and kneel and explain the poster they're talking about?" Xiao Zhan's heart skipped, he knew he was doomed. He couldn't open his mouth and talk nor say something. All the looks at are Yang Zi clinging on to the love of his life, the way she touches him, rubs her boobs against his body, those clinginess and mockery giggles of her hurts Xiao Zhan more than the embarrassment and humiliation he is facing right now.  

Mrs. Susan can see Xiao Zhan only focused on looking at her son and can see jealousy and hurt in Xiao Zhan's eyes while looking at how Yang Zi is clinging on to her son. She smirked, loving what she is seeing right now, that pain and bitterness. Isn't this what she always wanted? 

To see him cry, to see him know he had no place in her son's heart and that he is nothing and will forever remain a nobody in her house. And will never let him forget that, he's the son of a driver, and will never be up to their standard, not in this life and doesn't think it will happen in the next life coming, Mrs. Susan assured him that. 

The faster he realized who he was and will forever be and know his place in this house, the better for him, Mrs. Susan thought to herself. That evil smirk playing on her curved lips, never stopped playing, loving the jealousy in Xiao Zhan's eyes and he is at the verge of shedding tears, beautiful.

Seeing Xiao Zhan not answering, but fidgeting, his head lowered in shame, and glancing at her son from time to time, she raised her voice. "Xiao Zhan! This evil child, so, it has gotten to the extent of sleeping around the whole school? Tainting my family name, bringing nothing but shame and humiliation to me? What kind of a boy are you? Must you be like your whore mother? I am the one who raised you, even though you are the son of a slut, you should've at least learned to be decent and modest from me. Why whoring around everyone around you? my husband you slept with wasn't enough?..."

"Mother!" Xiao Zhan can not believe she's also accusing him of that insolence. He kept silent and listened to her hurtful words, just to avoid getting slapped in the presence of the guest, especially Yang Zi who was smirking and enjoying his pain, but that doesn't mean he had to accept these accusations either. 

"You know I can never do that, I can't even think about cheating on you with my  father, he is my father.."

"Shut up!" Mrs. Susan cut in, she barked, "How dare you interrupt me? Have you finally lost your senses? You think because you whore around, handle all the manhood that is more than you, that it will give you the right to talk back at me? Huh!" Mrs. Susan got up and charged towards Zhan, ready to pounce on him, but Wang Yibo, who can no longer keep silent, intervened.

"Mother, please, we have a guest, we can't do this in their presence. I know he is a whore, I am even more ashamed of myself when I saw that post, but our guest needs to be offered something and be entertained, instead of ruining their moods and ours because of him." 

Wang Yibo pointed at Xiao Zhan, saying all those hurtful words that made Xiao Zhan glance at him and look down, his tears flowing down while listening to him, which Yibo ignored, but sneered at him instead. He continued, "I want to show Yang Zi here around, will you grant me that honourable request, Mrs. Mandi?" 

Wang Yibo asked Mrs. Mandi who was silently listening to them, using her eyes to communicate with her daughter, both smirking evilly enjoying the humiliation the poor boy is getting from the people he called family. And now they know, they had nothing to be worried about, it seems Wang Yibo will be married to her daughter, no need to worry, Mrs. Mandi thought.

"Ah! Yes, you can, she is all yours, son." Mrs. Mandi innocently said and smiled. She turned to the fuming Mrs. Susan, "Your son is not just handsome, but also a gentleman. And right, no need to do this in our presence. You can do that while we are gone," she turned to Xiao Zhan and smirked, "And besides, he just returned from school, let him at least rest a bit...."

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