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Xiao Zhan returned to his room after clearing the dining table. Mrs. Wang has other maids in her house, but she still preferred Xiao Zhan to do all the work, attending to her every request, both necessary and unnecessary ones, just to continue pressing and oppressing the poor boy for no tangible reasons. Making his life so miserable to make sure to see Xiao Zhan shedding so many tears which made her so happy that she never stopped doing them. 

Xiao Zhan went inside his bathroom and took his bath, sat on his bed and finally have a proper rest after the long day in school and also attended to Mrs. Susan's needs, cooking and serving the food and after clearing the table, he also had to do many more house chores which he ended up doing them until midnight before going to bed.

He looked at that time and found out it was 2 am. He sighed and rested his head for a minute before going to where he kept his bag and brought out his assignments and started doing them. Once done with some few ones, he remembered his deceased parents and brought out the only picture that has his both parents Mr. Wang gave to him. 

He smiled on looking at it, this is the only memory he has, the only thing that reminds him of his parents he didn't get the chance to see. He was looking at it and didn't realize his tears were streaming down from his eyes.

He smiled sadly, "Mother, the old guards here said I looked exactly like you." He chuckled without humour, "I must be very beautiful like you right? Everyone in our school always admires me and preaches how beautiful and pretty I look. But mother, I am a man and handsome, not beautiful. Being beautiful is meant for girls only and I am not a girl." 

He giggled while talking to his mother in that picture, wishing she's here to answer those questions he's asking. Wishing she's here to tell him if he's beautiful or handsome like he always heard other children say how their parents sing praises of how beautiful and handsome their children look. 

Why is he always different? He has a mother who only reminds him how evil and unwanted a child he is and those hurtful words made him cry so much that his heart ended up bleeding in so much pain and sorrow. He then looked at his father's picture and shed so many tears before he caressed it and quivered.

"F- Father, they said you are strong no matter how things were very difficult for you, they said you're always smiling and I promise you, father, I will be strong and patient like you and will tolerate whatever mummy did to me. I missed you two so much and I promise to make you two proud wherever you are now. Continue guiding me and I will trespass whatever mummy did to me. I hope she loves me and sees me as her son because I love her and will forever be grateful to her for taking care of me up till now. If only she hated me that much, she could've killed me a long time ago, but I know she loves me that's why she raised me. I love you two so much and will forever love you. Keep resting, mother, father."  

He said in between tears and kissed the picture before finally taking it back inside. He was about to close back the drawer when another picture that had a little boy in it caught his eyes, making him wipe his tears now and smiled instead. He brought out the picture and blushed while looking at it. 

Xiao Zhan Chuckled, "Do you still remember me? Brother, I miss you so much, I can never forget your promises to me and I am still waiting for you. You promised me back then you will be my husband and I your wife," Xiao Zhan giggled like a kid, his face heating up while staring at the handsome little Yibo inside that picture. 

He continued, "You said you will be with me and protect me from getting bullied by anyone, please come back brother, so that mummy will stop treating me like the way she does. I will clean your room for you and make it perfect and elegant like you are. You must be very handsome now, it has been so long brother, 15 years now and I am missing you so much. Safe journey...I miss you." 

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