Fifty One

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Xiao Zhan ran upstairs to meet with the fuming Wang Yibo who never stopped cursing, raging and gritting his teeth so much anger over his discussions downstairs with his parents. Wang Yibo can't understand why Xiao Zhan would refuse to run away with him and save him from this pain and this forced marriage. 

Why can't he stop this gratitude of his over his father and follow him out of this mess before his parents end up imposing that Yang Zi bitch on him? Is he happy to see him in so much pain or what? Is he happy seeing him being forced to marry someone he hates with his life? Don't he want to be with him or something? Why is he insisting on staying back here and continuing receiving this ill-treatment of his mother? Why can't he elope with him in a place where they will be happy without anyone causing them sorrows or imposing anyone on them? He asked himself, furiously annoyed.

Doesn't he love him the way he claims? Doesn't he want to be with him? Don't he see this marriage is restricting his airflow, that he can't breathe just by imagining himself ending up becoming a husband to that fucking whore? Can't he see he is choking, that everything is suffocating him? Wang Yibo thought while throwing everything he could lay his hands on in his room.

Wang Yibo gripped his laptop and was about to smash it when he noticed a hand snatch it from him and throw it on his bed. "What is wrong with you, Boo? Why are you giving your parents the impression to suspect us? Why are you hurting yourself like this? Can't you see I am going crazy seeing you like this? Why?"

Wang Yibo pulled Xiao Zhan's hand pushed him down his bed and hovered over him. Xiao Zhan immediately pushed him away from him and tried to get up, but Wang Yibo was quick to pull him by his waist, pulled both his hands and pinned them above his head, causing Xiao Zhan's eyes wide and confused why he was behaving this way.

"Yibo stop this and let me go! Your Mother could walk in on us and you know what will become of me if she comes in here and sees us like this! Let me go!" Xiao Zhan struggled out but Wang Yibo didn't bulge nor move because of his warnings. He aggressively pulled him back.

"Zhan, why are you doing this to me? Why? Do you enjoy seeing me in pain? Do you enjoy sitting there and watching me being forced to marry Yang Zi or what? Have you thought about what tonight would become for us after that fucking diner? Please, Zhan, run away with me! Let's go, please!" Wang Yibo pleaded, his tears slowly making their way down and Xiao Zhan, seeing his hands had loosened from his grips, immediately pushed him down the bed and got up.

"If you're still insisting on us running away, then count me out.." 

Wang Yibo heard that and got up and glared at Zhan with a murderous painful gaze, "I should count you out? Does this mean you never loved me? Were you deceiving me all along? You want me to marry Yang Zi, right? Fine, I will fucking marry her and let me see how that goes for you!" Wang Yibo ventured on to Xiao Zhan, picked his bag and was about to leave when Xiao Zhan rushed to him and hugged him. 

Wang Yibo shrugged his body and move away from him, "Fucking get the fuck out of me! You're hurting me so badly and you know that! This marriage is killing you as much as it's killing me, but I don't understand why you still insist we stay back here! I am out of here!" Wang Yibo wiped his tears and started leaving his room.

"Baby, Boo! Boo, come back! Please, you can't marry Yang Zi. You can't do this to me, baby! My heart is hurting so badly. What am I going to do? What should I do? Someone tell me because I'm confused... I just don't want to hurt your father... I'm sorry, but there got to be a way out of this..." Xiao Zhan cried out and since he needed someone to talk to, he ran back to his room and quickly packed his bag and was coming downstairs when he also saw Mrs. Susan going upstairs. 

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