Twenty Three

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Once Mrs. Mandi returned home with her daughter, Yang Zi, they headed inside the living room with Yang Zi being all happy that Wang Yibo will be hers soon. All her expectations and longings had finally come to pass and now had something to beat Xiao Zhan with.

She hated the fact that Xiao Zhan always took the spotlight from her and had always been the only one getting all the attention and attractions of everyone. Right from when they're younger, Xiao Zhan had always been the secret admirer of everyone, always getting the attention, the flowers, the love letters and the rest of them.

She was Xiao Zhan's friend, but she seemed so invisible in people's eyes. Wasn't she as beautiful as Xiao Zhan? Aren't they seeing her? Is she not beautiful, even more than him? Like seriously, Xiao Zhan is a boy and she is a girl, they were supposed to look at her and not him, a common house boy at that.

All these incidents made Yang Zi hate Xiao Zhan to the core and stop being his friend, and become a bully to him, always ceasing every single chance to bully Xiao Zhan, to humiliate and embarrass him, to bring him down to nothing in the presence of everyone. But all of her acts were never fruitful, instead, they all backfired her. The very first day she bullied Xiao Zhan was the day Xiao Zhan met Dylan Wang.

It was the day she intentionally poured her tray containing food and her drinks on Xiao Zhan, apologizing sarcastically, that she didn't see him. But fortunately for Zhan, Dylan Wang who had eyes on him helped clean up, which infuriates Yang Zi to the core, since she also had eyes on Dylan Wang.

That day, she felt like dying, she was so angry that she stomped her foot on the floor and was about to leave from there, when another student who was also approaching with her food, Yang Zi ended up bumping into her and had all the food and drinks all splashed on her, everyone started laughing at her, while when she poured Xiao Zhan her food, everyone was so furious and was glaring at her, and when it's her turn, they had the guts to laugh? Yang Zi that day was so angry that all the embarrassment and humiliation she planned on Xiao Zhan all backfired her.

Everything about Xiao Zhan infuriates Yang Zi, her blood boiled whenever she sees Xiao Zhan laughing, whenever people approached him for friendship, whenever Xiao Zhan opened his locker and found so many chocolates, flowers and letters from the secret admirers, and whenever he was seen politely rejecting those who had the guts to approach him face to face.

All of this made Yang Zi so jealous, so furious that all she wanted was to kill Xiao Zhan, to see him every minute shedding tears and deriving joy back in school, seeing how ashamed Xiao Zhan was of seeing that naked poster of him with men. Xiao Zhan's tears are Yang Zi's cup of tea, his pain is her joy and his misery is her happiness.

Seeing how Mrs. Susan embarrassed and humiliated Xiao Zhan a few moments ago made her so happy, and just wished she was able to video it and send it vital to the whole school, for them to see how common and nobody Xiao Zhan was treated.

Those accusations and cursed words Mrs. Susan used on Xiao, accusing him of sleeping with the man he called his father, how Xiao Zhan shed those painful and bitter tears when being accused and scolded on. She wants the school to witness that and see how he will show his face in school anymore.

"Mother, today is the happiest day of my life!" Yang Zi cooed and chuckled happily while sitting down beside her mother.

"I can't believe how that slut is being treated by his family. He is just a commoner, a slave and a shameless bitch! I wish I was able to video his pitiful face, how embarrassing and wonderful it is to me. I am so happy... I just can't forget that face of his, he's so shameless." Yang Zi laughed out, feeling so happy and all that.

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