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Xiao Zhan went inside the kitchen with a heart full of pain and sorrows and eyes filled with tears, thinking, why did God spare his life that very day his both parents died? Why did he allow him to die and follow them and spare him this pain? What kind of life is this? What kind of pain is this? Sleeping and waking up to be met with the same fate waiting for him? To be hated and to be reminded countless times of how much of an abomination child he is? To wake up with a horrible mother who has the guts and never wishes anything good to befall him. 

Why? Why is he different? Why will he be created into a world where he wasn't accepted? A place where everything about him is being rejected and his life being frustrated each passing day? Why? Why can't good things happen to him? When will all this stop? Xiao Zhan kept asking this very question and still, no one answer questions, but himself.

Mrs. Susan smiled whenever she saw him crying and fumed in anger and hatred whenever he saw him smiling. Why did she hate him so much? That is what Xiao Zhan kept asking himself, and once inside the kitchen, he broke down and cried his swollen heavy eyes out.

"God, when will this torture end? Why don't you just kill me and set me free from this pain and misery? Why don't you take me to my parents? Mother, your son is calling you....come and take me away, I don't want to continue living anymore! Mother please, take your son with you and save me all this pain! I can't take it anymore...I just can't take it anymore!" 

Xiao wept bitterly, crying and wishing to see his both parents, especially his mother. He learnt that went into labour pain only to die because labour wants to meet or see them, anyhow, he doesn't care. All he wants is this pain to stop, to stop witnessing it because it is just too much for him to endure. 

Is too much and that's why he continued crying to the heavens to grant him his heart desires and his wishes, which is nothing, but death and save him the pain, because it is just too much for him to bear and can't take it no matter how much he tries, he just can't.

Xiao Zhan quietly prepared the food after crying his eyes out and now feeling a little bit better. Even when feeling tired, he continued doing what he does best, which is enduring it unless he wants to receive another beating from his mother. 

Once he's done cooking, he arranged the table for dinner and that's when he heard Mr. Wang's car driving inside, towards the garage and also noticed it was night already. He must be very tired and was so engulfed with the cooking that he didn't notice. He quickly finished setting the food in the dining and rushed outside to welcome Mr. Wang.

He smiled broadly on seeing him, "Father, you are back?" He giggled and embraced him.

"Ah! Zhan my dear, how was school today?" Mr. Wang asked after handing his suitcase to him and now stretching his body and neck, feeling weak and exhausted.

Xiao Zhan chuckled seeing his old man like that and found his sluggish attitude funny, "Father, the school was fine and how was work today? I hope you didn't stress much? Even though I can see you did,"  He asked while walking inside and Immediately opened the door for his father to lazily walk inside and he followed him behind.

Once inside, Mr. Wang sat on his usual luxurious single couch and collapsed inside. He smiled and looked at his son who was smiling seeing those funny antics of his, "You know what to do for your old man right?" He said and inclined himself and his head thrown backwards.

Xiao Zhan dropped the suitcase on the side table beside him and helped him remove his suit jacket and shoes. He is removing his ties with Mr. Wang telling him funny stories that he smiled and sometimes giggled when Mrs. Wang walked down from the stairs and met their faces half inches from each other, making the blood in her boil up and her face dry up with so much hatred.

"This boy is not just useless and stupid, but shameless as well! Now, he's seducing my husband? Really? And who will let that happen? Me? Of course, I will burn him alive before that happens! Look at how he's shamelessly rubbing himself on my husband! God, I feel like strangling him! I just want to kill him! I hate him so much, so much with the last drop of my blood!" Mrs. Susan thought with so much hatred, her vein turned green with how she clutched her palm together, thinking of how to get rid of Xiao Zhan and never set her eyes on him again.

Xiao Zhan, noticing her presence, quickly retorted himself from Mr. Wang, took his things and bowed to Mrs. Wang who was still stoning him with a disgusting glare, "Mother, I've served the food, it is on the dining table." Zhan mumbled, afraid, especially the dagger eyes of Mrs. Wang on him.

"You have?" She sneered, "Then, what are you still standing for? Take your useless self out of my sight! You filthy human!" Mrs. Wang sneered with so much irritation and hatred, her eyes raging fire as she glared at Xiao Zhan who bowed.

"Yes mum, dad, I will make your bath," He turned and said to Mr. Wang before heading upstairs to Mr. Wang's room.

Immediately his back retreated from them, Mr. Wang who had been quite glaring at his wife while shaking his head. He didn't like the words his wife used on Zhan. He turned sharply and glared at his wife. He intoned, "When will you stop treating that boy like some disease in this house? When will you stop using harsh words on him? That boy is your son for crying out loud! Can't you at least, treat him the way you treat your precious son who wasn't even here with you? Huh! Why are you so wicked.."

"He's not my son!" Mrs. Wang interrupted him, she fired again, "That son of a maid can never be my son! He will never be up to my standard! And you, when will you stop treating him like your son? When will you stop making him feel welcome in this house! When?" She challenged back, stoning him with a murderous look.

Mr. Wang shook his head, inhaled and exhaled in frustration, trying so hard to control himself. He looked at his wife and gritted his teeth, "That boy's parents are dead, will it kill you if you treat him at least like a human being? God! Susan, have a heart!"

"He killed both of his parents in one day! Can't you see he's an evil child! Can't you see he is an abomination and not needed to have any parents since he killed his parents? The day you throw him out of this house, is the day I will treat him like a human being. As long as he's spending my money and eating my food, roaming around this house as he belongs here, he will remain a nobody to me! A nonentity and that's final! He is such a stupid good for nothing trash to me....!"

"Stop it, woman!" Mr. Wang seemed can't listen to her utterances anymore as he barked with his deep voice, making his wife tremble, but still cared less. Mr. Wang sighed, "You just can never change. Now listen to me, Zhan is my son and will remain my son till he graduated, got married and I will still give him his shares as my son. Bear that in mind and stop treating him likewise!" Mr. Wang narrowed that fact to her before getting up, leaving the bewildered Mrs. Wang who couldn't believe what she heard.

She carried the whole throw pillows and threw them out of the chair in frustration. She fumed, "That will never happen! That evil child has succeeded in bewitching my husband that he can't think and see reasons with me! He will never get my family shares, not while I am alive! That will be over my dead body! Xiao Zhan! Oh, Xiao Zhan! I will make it hot for you until you remove the spell you cast on my husband! You will not live to receive, that's a promise!" She thought darkly while tightening her knuckles.

Xiao Zhan who heard their argument slumped down and cried, "Oh, my God! God, why me! Kill me! Kill me, Lord! I want to end it all! I can't continue seeing them fighting because of me! Mother! Father! Where are you? God, where are you! Kill me and end this torture!"

Xiao Zhan who heard their argument slumped down and cried, "Oh, my God! God, why me! Kill me! Kill me, Lord! I want to end it all! I can't continue seeing them fighting because of me! Mother! Father! Where are you? God, where are you! Kill me and ...

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