Chapter 140

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Shen Tianyou returned to Qiao's second room with Qiao Dongying.

Qiao Zhenjun and Lin Hui were shocked when they saw Qiao Dongying. The key is that she was still so drunk!

Lin Hui asked Shen Tianyou to carry Qiao Dongying into the room where Da Qiao slept before, and while leading the way, she asked, "What's the matter? When did Dongying come back? And why did she get so drunk?"

Shen Tianyou's expression was a little uncomfortable and said: "Sister Ying just came back today. She said that she had never drunk Erguotou before, so she wanted to taste it. I didn't expect that the amount of alcohol was too bad. Send it back."

In fact, he didn't know why Sister Ying came back suddenly.

But he could feel that Sister Ying was very unhappy, something must have happened to her.

It's a pity that she doesn't believe in herself, and she doesn't want to tell him many things!

Good temper.

Lin Hui was taken aback, obviously not believing what Shen Tianyou said in her heart.

If you can’t drink, you have to run back from the provincial capital to drink. This is a bit too tiring.

But she didn't intend to expose the other party and embarrass him.

While covering Qiao Dongying with a sheet, she smiled and said, "Thank you for God, but it's getting late, you should go back soon, so that your family won't worry about you!"

Shen Tianyou glanced behind her, nodded and said: "Okay Aunt Hui, I will go back now. After Sister Ying wakes up, you tell her that I will come to see her tomorrow."

Lin Hui smiled and nodded.

After turning around Shen Tianyou's step, she didn't think much.

Shen Tianyou has loved Qiao Dongying since he was a child. The most important thing is that they are five years apart. Shen Tianyou is still in high school now, so no one thinks about anything else.

Shen Tianyou left, and Qiao Dongying didn't wake up until midnight when she slept. Lin Hui kept guarding her by her side.

When Qiao Dongying woke up, her brain swelled so much that she didn't realize where she was for a while. When she saw the second aunt who was lying leaning on the side, she remembered that she was in Yunlai Town.

Lin Hui woke up from her dream when she heard the sound. She looked up and saw Qiao Dongying awake. She immediately stood up and said, "Dongying, are you awake? Are you hungry?"

A touch of guilt flashed through Qiao Dongying's eyes, and she apologized: "I'm sorry, second aunt, it's so late, but I still have to let you guard me, I'm not hungry..."

Before she finished speaking, her belly remembered a gurgling sound, as if she had deliberately opposed her.

Qiao Dongying 囧.

Lin Hui let out a "pouch" laugh: "Everyone is a family. I'm sorry for what you say. If you are hungry, you can just tell your second aunt, get up and wash your face, and second aunt will give you hot food!"

Because Qiao Dongying hadn't woken up, she deliberately picked up a part of the meal tonight so that she could wake up and eat it again.

Qiao Dongying's heart warmed after hearing this, "Thank you, auntie."

Lin Hui pursed her lips and turned away with a smile.

As for why Qiao Dongying came back and why she was drunk, she didn't plan to ask.

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