Chapter 60

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The reform-through-labor farm is not a good place. It is used to contain bad elements.

The farms work more and eat less, and the people who go in generally suffer from a bad body if they can't endure it for a few years.

Like these bad elements, it is generally difficult for them to come out after entering the reform-through-labor farm, but the following labor-reform farm has recently received a lot of bad elements. The farm is small and cannot accommodate so many people.

Therefore, after a meeting and discussion, the director of the commune decided to select some more obedient people from the bad elements and put them in the production team.

Qili Village was divided into three.

The three are in a family, an old man who looks like 50 or 60 years old, a woman about 30 years old, and an eighty or nine year old boy.

Their clothes were covered with patches, their faces were sallow and haggard, they were very thin, and there was no meat on their faces or bodies.

Especially the old man, his brows were tightly furrowed, and the wrinkles on his face were like knife marks, all carved on his face. His body was tall and rickety, and he looked as if he had suffered a serious illness.

When a few people arrived, the production team leader Wang Shuisheng rang the gong and called everyone in the village to the threshing ground to gather.

Qiao Xiuzhi and Qiao Zhenmin, who had just returned home, also passed by.

Standing on the high platform, Wang Shuisheng pointed to the family and said, "These three are bad elements from the labor camp. They will live in our production team in the future!"

When the villagers below heard this, they immediately boiled.

"Captain, what's going on? How did you get so many bad guys over? What if the children are broken?"

"Yes, yes, if children are corrupted by them, will they hurt us in the future?"

"That's right, why let the bad guys come to our production team? They shouldn't go to the farm and make reforms right?"

Wang Shuisheng stretched out his hand and pressed it down, and said with a rough voice: "Be quiet, and all will be quiet for me! What is the noise? I haven't finished speaking yet!"

"There is not enough space on the farm. These people are bad elements who have received education and raised their ideological consciousness. That's why they are allowed to leave the farm. You only need to tell the children in the family not to come into contact with bad elements. Naturally, they will not be affected by them. Influence! You all put the words in your stomach, don't take it seriously, if you are reported back, it will be useless to come to me at that time!"

When everyone heard this, even though they were still murmured, they remembered in their hearts that they had to tell the children in the family when they went back, so that they must not come into contact with bad elements, otherwise it would be troublesome to be corroded!

Bad elements are different from educated youth, so naturally they can't live in such a good place as an educated youth spot.

Wang Shuisheng thought about it, and finally decided to arrange them to the pigpen.

There are a few empty houses next to the pigpen, because the smell next to the pigpen is too irritating, no one wants to live there. These bad guys are just right to arrange there.

Moreover, no one in the production team likes to pick up the dung. Every year this job is arranged to draw lots. Now that it is fine, let the family pick up the dung!

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