Tetsujo x Reader (Requested)

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"Hey." Tetsujo gently called out. Saji immediately looked at the male with his eyes.

"Hey." Ton called out.

(Y/n) remained, screwing with her device, too focused to notice anyone.

"HEY!!" Ushishimada yelled.

"SHUT UP, BITCH!!" (Y/n) replied. "I'M TRYIN TO DO SOMETHING HERE!!" Ushishimada growled a bit.

"We haven't even met her for a minute, and she already called us a bitch!" Ton said.

"What the hell is that?" (Y/n) questioned while she screwed something on.

"We need better materials." Dokuga said.

"How much and by what time?" (Y/n) questioned and gently looked up.

"If you can pull an all nighter, that'd be good." Dokuga said.

"No." Tetsujo gently glared at the male. He looked back at the other with a blink.

"What, you care for her?" Tetsujo grunted softly and looked to the side.

"A bit, yeah..." He replied.

"Hey, crotchrot, you starin at my tits?" (Y/n) pointed to Ushishimada.

"What?!" He yelled.

"I totally knew it. Get an eyeful, then. Really, I have no care for pervs anymore. They're everywhere." Tetsujo frowned faintly.

"What were you even doing? It seemed like you were pretty absorbed into it." He said.

"Creating something. But I suppose I gotta trash it for now." (Y/n) gently tossed the material to the side. "Anyways, get inside. You'll see an arrangement of shit you can take. Weapons and all. I already had it prepared when I heard the Boss had disappeared." (Y/n) gently grunted. "Anything else you would want, you can request. So go on ahead."

The others walked away while Tetsujo stayed in place.

"Why are you like this?"

"Obviously, I'm tripped." (Y/n) gently grabbed the material again and examined it.

"You shouldn't be doing stuff like that to yourself. It isn't safe." Tetsujo replied.

"Well, I want to forget about the situation I'm in and get my inspiration up again!" (Y/n) looked up again. "And to do that, I need to get tripped!"

Tetsujo sighed. He then gently pat (Y/n)'s head.

"I should have expected that..."

(Y/n) gently sighed and closed her eyes a bit.

"I suppose you give me some inspiration too... Go to my room and search around a bit in the closet. You'll find a lever. Pull it, and you'll see some weapons of your choice." Tetsujo blinked. He chuckled faintly, and nodded.

"Thank you, (Y/n)."

She softly nodded.

"... Whatever."

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