Noi x Reader x Ebisu

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"Aw, that's cute." (Y/n) said while she smiled softly. Ebisu placed Kikurage on the bed.

The pink fluff ball took a few moments to sniff around the room and bed before eventually licking (Y/n)'s cheek.

She did a close eyed smile.

"Devil Cats are surely something else." (Y/n) said while softly petting Kikurage.

"A Devil Cat, hm?" Noi sat down on the bed.

"So, where'd you get her?" (Y/n) questioned.

"From a fake Sorcerer!" Ebisu answered. (Y/n) frowned softly, but, nodded.

"I see..." She mumbled and sat up. "Did she suffer any injuries?" (Y/n) questioned while softly fluffing Kikurage's ears.

"No." Ebisu responded before looking at (Y/n). "Do you... want to take care of her?" Ebisu questioned. Noi tilted her head a bit with slight curiosity.

"Oh, I can't do that. I have a job, you know. And I can't protect her if she somehow gets hurt while I'm not around." Noi softly nodded.

"Well, I kind of knew you were gonna say that anyways." She responded. (Y/n) smiled softly and gently punched Noi's shoulder.

"Then why both to let Ebisu ask?" (Y/n) questioned before she laid back down.

"Just to play around a small bit. You know how we can be around our sister figure." (Y/n) rolled her eyes playfully.

"I guess so." She answered. Ebisu tilted his head softly.

"Hey, why don't you go out unless it's for jobs?" She questioned before taking notice of (Y/n)'s soft frown. Kikurage took note of this, and curled up on (Y/n)'s lap. She softly pet the pink fluff ball.

"Well... I'm not very much comfortable out there anymore. To be honest, I just think of this place as my tomb..." Noi frowned softly, crossing her arms a bit. "I do feel as if I'm gonna die here, sometimes..." (Y/n) mumbled.

"No you're not!" Noi said, stunning (Y/n) slightly from the sudden outburst.

"Can we try something?" (Y/n) looked at Ebisu, slightly.

"We'll slowly get you outside. Starting from the mansion. We'll get you comfortable from there, and slowly get you outside." Ebisu suggested, laying on the bed. (Y/n) looked out the window a bit.

"Come on. Staying in here is cramped, isn't it?" Noi questioned. (Y/n) softly nodded.

"Fine... I guess so..." She mumbled.

"Great!" Ebisu picked Kikurage up while Noi slung (Y/n) over her shoulder.

"Wait! Hold on!" The female said.


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