En Family x Blood Sorcerer Reader (Part 3)

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(Y/n)'s eyes opened. She blinked before looking around. (Y/n) sat up.

"Oh. You're awake?" En looked at (Y/n). She nodded.

"Come on. Blue Night's gonna end tonight."

(Y/n) arched an eyebrow.

"What happened?" She mumbled.

"I've found a Time Controlling Sorcerer. And I'm making her my Partner." (Y/n) blinked.

"About time you found one. She's a woman too, hm? It's not bad having another woman on the team." (Y/n) got out of the bed. "Where is she?"


"You're wasting no time, huh?" (Y/n) mumbled while she looked at Nikaido.

She had tape over her mouth and had ropes around her.

There were bandages around her stomach.

"Blue Night is ending tonight. I'm not wasting an opportunity like this." En responded.


"Hey, (Y/n)!" Noi greeted.

"Hi, Noi. And... the rest of you." Shin hummed softly.

"Big Sis!" Ebisu pranced around (Y/n).

"Ebisu..." Fujita sighed softly.

"Okay, let's get to these contracts." Chidaruma said.

"I'm not Partnering up with anyone. So I'm just gonna leave." (Y/n) responded and pointed to the front door.

"And who said that's gonna happen?" Chidaruma questioned with a soft yawn.

"Me." (Y/n) responded and opened the door to the black house. She blinked. "Where are the stairs?"

Chidaruma crossed his arms.

"You really want to go down there?"

(Y/n) stared down at the floor before she slammed the door shut.

"You're such an asshole." She mumbled.

"Wanna go to Hell?" Chidaruma responded.

"Oh go fuck yourself." (Y/n) mumbled while she threw a blood ball at Chidaruma's face. He avoided it and started to argue with (Y/n).

"While those two are arguing, let me introduce you." En said and put his arm on Nikaido's shoulder. She flinched softly. "This is Nikaido. My Partner from now on." En said.

"Where'd you find her?" Noi questioned.

"What kind of rush were you in?" Shin questioned.

"Okay, boys and girls, go purify yourselves." Chidaruma spoke. "(Y/n)... You'll be... En's and Nikaido's Partner."

The female deadpanned.

"I'm not sure if having two Partners is allowed." She said.

"Now it is." Chidaruma responded.

(Y/n) blinked.

"No time to waste. Come on." Shin said.

"I'm trusting her with you, Noi, (Y/n)." The two nodded as En softly pushed Nikaido towards them.


"Why are you bruised?" Noi questioned while she untied Nikaido's ropes.

"Uvoka." (Y/n) responded. "I suppose you had a run in with Baku." Noi nodded with a soft frown.

"Senpai had a run in with Yaku." (Y/n) gave a brush to Ebisu.

"I can see that." Noi looked at the bandages on Nikaido's waist.

"You're hurt. Let me heal that." Noi said before she looked at Ebisu. "I'll hold her still. You wash." Ebisu softly cackled.

"There's no way to escape!" She said.

"Do you need me to heal you up, (Y/n)?" Noi looked at (Y/n).

"I can heal on my own." She responded.


"You're still tired?" Noi mumbled.

"I guess so." (Y/n) shrugged.

"You need more sleep." Shin blinked.

"No shit." (Y/n) laid her forehead against the table.

En softly flicked (Y/n)'s head.

"Come on. Get up." (Y/n) sat up and softly shook her head a bit.

She put her hand over her forehead.

"Okay. Let's get this started." Chidaruma said while he pulled the doorknob-like object out of a plank of wood.

-this stuff is confusing to me, so I'm skipping-

"Why are you locking her up, though?" (Y/n) looked at Nikaido, who didn't seem to be making a reaction to the chains on her.

"I need to make sure the contract fully forms in her. Speaking of now, contracts are forming in us, too." En responded.

"And why exactly do we have to wait?" (Y/n) tilted her head a bit.

"When the contract finally forms, I can take control of Nikaido. I'm not sure if I'll be able to take control of you too, though." (Y/n) looked at En.

"You control me once, and I hit you."

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