Maybe a better 14k special...?

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"Isn't Nikaido 20 years old?" (Y/n) mumbled while putting her hands in her pockets.

"I think..." Noi responded. She looked up slightly before smiling softly. "Hey, you ready?" (Y/n) arched an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" She questioned.

"..." Noi made a soft punching motion.

"Oh. Not really." (Y/n) and Noi softly laughed.

"Hey. That's where you two were." Shin said while walking over. Fujita and Ebisu were behind him.

"Hey, Senpai!" Noi greeted.

"So, what were you guys talking about?" Fujita questioned.

Noi looked at Shin before making a small punching motion and pointing to (Y/n). Shin started to chuckle.

"This'll be entertaining. You two just watch. No need to explain." He said while looking at Fujita and Ebisu.


"What is it?" En questioned before looking at (Y/n).

She looked down while clenching her fists a bit.

"You okay?" En tilted his head with slight concern.

(Y/n) softly yelled and ran towards En. The male turned his shoulder a bit before (Y/n) softly punched it.

"She actually did it?!" Fujita yelled.

"She really did it!" Noi laughed.

"That was a pathetic punch. But entertaining, nonetheless." Shin said.

"Was that a real punch?" Ebisu mumbled.

"H-How'd you like that? You can't do any payback for now since you need me for something, right?" (Y/n) stuttered.

En chuckled softly, shocking everyone.

"So this was planned?" He asked, softly hugging (Y/n). "Well, that's a thank you from me."

Noi blinked.
Shin had an arched eyebrow.
Fujita had a shocked expression.
Ebisu was blank.

"Never do that again, because that actually kind of hurt." The group in front fell to the floor.

"What?!" They all shouted.

Antagonist Dorohedoro One ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu