Tenjin x Reader x En (Requested)

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"You liked archery?" (Y/n) questioned Tenjin while she walked into the room.

"Didn't I tell you before?" He replied while letting loose an arrow. It pierced directly into the middle of the target.

"I don't remember. I was probably sleeping or something." (Y/n) stretched.

"You're always sleeping." Tenjin responded, deadpanning.

"Don't blame me because I'm tired." (Y/n) smiled softly.

"I blame you for staying up until 3 in the morning doing nothing but thinking." (Y/n) looked at Tenjin. He looked back at the (H/c) haired female with a smug smile.

"Why exactly were you up at three?" (Y/n) questioned.

"I woke up at that time." Tenjin responded. He put his bow down on the table.

"At least I have enough energy to show up. En seems to appreciate that, at least." Tenjin frowned softly at the mention of his love rival. But, he smiled softly.

"All of us are worried when you just sleep all day. At least talk for a bit before going to sleep. En sometimes checks your pulse to see if you're alive or not every few hours or so." Tenjin and (Y/n) sat down on the couch.

"That's cute!" (Y/n) did a close eyed smile.

Tenjin looked away with a soft frown. But, he looked back forward.

"Hey, can I come in?" En questioned.

"Sure." Tenjin answered.

The red haired male opened the door and walked into the room. His eyes narrowed a bit.

"Am I interrupting something here?" He questioned.

"No." (Y/n) responded.

"Then, what were you talking about?" En sat down next to (Y/n)'s other side and put an arm around her shoulder.

"Tenjin told me you checked if I was breathing while I was sleeping." En's face heated up. He softly glared at Tenjin.

"I thought I told you to keep that to yourself!" En softly hissed.

"She was bound to find out anyways." Tenjin responded. En sighed softly. Tenjin silently eyed En's arm and silently pushed it off (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"So, is there anything you'd want to do besides stay in your own room?" Tenjin questioned. En silently glared at him.

"What is this quarrel? Do you two love each other?" (Y/n) smiled softly.

Tenjin sighed softly.
En made some kind of disgusted face.

"No. We're not of that sexuality." En mumbled.

"I see. Then, what is this?" (Y/n) put her arms around the two's shoulders and brung them close. "If you two aren't gay, then what girl are you fighting for?"

En and Tenjin silently stared at (Y/n) with a blank expression.


(Y/n) let go.

"We'll do what we can to share." En said while grabbing (Y/n)'s left arm.

"But there's no guarantee that we'll be willing to when we're done with you." Tenjin added and grabbed (Y/n)'s right arm.

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