Sick En x reader (Requested)

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This'll be when the two are younger.

Maybe about when En is 27.

The reader will be 26.


"I really can't. En assigned me on a job with Shin Senpai."

En arched an eyebrow a bit.

"Oh, I see." (Y/n) said before Noi winked at En. The male took a few seconds to think because of that. His face heated up heavily. The male clenched the covers and sat up. "Hey! Lay back down!" (Y/n) ordered. En hesitated for a second, but he laid back down on the bed.

"Sorry, (Y/n). En said that it was urgent." (Y/n) hummed softly.

"Okay then." She responded and smiled softly before looking back at En. "You have a small cold. I didn't expect you to get sick. It's not like you." (Y/n) said with a soft smile.

"Right..." En responded as Noi "accidentally" and "gently" nudged (Y/n) towards En. The female arched an eyebrow and looked at Noi. The woman was already closing the door while outside.

"Good luck, you two." En and (Y/n) heard before the door clicked shut.

"Uh..." He mumbled.

"Right. Anyways." (Y/n) sat down on a chair next to En. The male could faintly see a blush on (Y/n)'s face, but he pushed that thought away.

"You could just get a servant to take care of me." He said.

"Are you saying you don't trust me?" (Y/n) questioned with a soft smile as she took out a wet towel from a bowl.

"No. It's not that." En answered while seeing (Y/n) twist the towel. Water dripped into the bowl. "I just think that I might be wasting your time." En said as (Y/n) folded the towel up a bit. She put it on the male's forehead.

"No. It's not that." (Y/n) responded.

"Then what exactly is it?" En questioned.

"Uhm..." (Y/n) looked down a bit. "I sort of wanted to take care of you." She said.

"Huh?" En was about to sit up, but (Y/n) pushed him down with her hand.

"J-Just rest. You need it." She said.

"Can those two just kiss already?" En heard from behind the door. A vein bulged from the side of his forehead. (Y/n) was too busy in her thoughts to notice the voice.

"U-Uh. I'll leave you alone for now. You need to sleep." (Y/n) got up and opened the door. Noi and Tenjin fell to the floor.

"Huh?" (Y/n) looked at the two.

"Shit!" Tenjin shouted.

"Ms. (Y/n)!" Noi yelled.

"I thought you were with Shin?" (Y/n) questioned.

"That was supposed to happen in a few minutes!" Noi responded.

"Then do your work!" (Y/n) pointed outside and looked at Tenjin.

"You're not supposed to be in this chapter!"

"Please stop breaking it!"

Antagonist Dorohedoro One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora