Shin x Younger brother reader x Noi (Requested)

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"Good morning, (Y/n)." Shin said.

"You're acting like a nine year old." Noi added.

"I'm 25!" (Y/n) responded.

Shin and Noi smiled softly.

"Right." The two walked out of the room with (Y/n) following after.

"So, Mr. En has another assignment for us to do today." (Y/n) sighed softly.

"Really? So early?" Noi nodded.

"Yeah. At least he lets us rest." (Y/n) and Shin looked at each other. They shrugged.

"That's true. We're probably not gonna get any more breaks like this, so, we better keep up the good work." (Y/n) stretched a bit.

Noi pat the male's head.

"Don't worry. En might let us slip up a few times." (Y/n) looked at Noi.

"That's true. But not often." (Y/n) responded.

"Hey. You two. Come on." Noi and (Y/n) looked at Shin. They followed after him.

"(Y/n), cover your eyes." Noi said. The male arched an eyebrow, but did as ordered. Noi covered them just to be sure. Shin opened the door and let Noi guide (Y/n) into the room. She slipped her hands away.

"Okay. Open them." Shin said. (Y/n) did his order. Chota immediately pulled the male into a tight hug.

"Happy 26th birthday, (Y/n)!" Chota shouted.

"Th-Thanks, Chota." (Y/n) responded. Chota put the male down.

"You're finally 26, huh?" Shin pat (Y/n)'s head.

"Finally!" Noi grinned softly.

"I'm older than you!" (Y/n) said to Noi.

"Imagine being older, but being shorter than me." (Y/n) smiled softly.

"I forgot it was my birthday..." He mumbled.

Shin and Noi tumbled to the floor.

Antagonist Dorohedoro One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें