Chota x Sibling Reader

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Please don't mind the picture I had nothing to put-


(Y/n) silently looked to the side with their eyes.

En arched a nonexistent eyebrow before seeing Chota running over.

While (Y/n) stepped to the side, En stayed still. He got tackled down to the floor by Chota.

"You finally came back for me?! (Y/n), why did you dodge me?!" They blinked and silently turned, walking further into the room. "You are not going back in there." Chota said. (Y/n) stopped. They looked at the male behind them.

"... Watch me." (Y/n) walked to the room as Chota softly huffed. He then happened to notice how he was straddling En.

The male was silent, glaring at Chota. The male squealed.


"... I dragged them along." Chota said. He then looked at (Y/n). "How does it feel to be outside the building after so long?" Chota questioned.

"Bite me. The next time you drag me like that, I'll switch out your crow mask with a pigeon mask." (Y/n) looked forward.

"Interesting. I'll keep that in mind." Chota looked forward.


"... That's your room." En said, and pointed to Chota's room.

"It's so far from yours!" He said.

"Exactly. That's the point. Now get in and don't bother me." En turned. He silently turned. "Your room is to the left." (Y/n) silently walked towards it.

"Hey, (Y/n), can we switch rooms?" Chota questioned.

"My name is already engraved on the door. Yours is engraved on yours." (Y/n) saw Chota softly sigh.

"You can be a real unfair sibling." He said. En arched an nonexistent eyebrow.

"They're your sibling?" He questioned.

"Yeah! You didn't know?" En shrugged.

"Either I didn't care or I forgot. Maybe I just never got told in general." He walked away as (Y/n) opened her room door. Kikurage jogged into the room, eager to explore.

"... What is this pink thing? A Devil Cat?" En looked at Kikurage.

"Oh. That's Kikurage. He's a member of the Family. So don't force him into anything." (Y/n) didn't respond, and walked into their room before silently shutting the door.

En stepped to the side, avoiding Chota. The male quickly got up.

"You and (Y/n) are really the same at times." Chota said.

"... Right..." En's eyes narrowed softly.


So I just watched one Squid Game video...

And why did I see this?

And why did I see this?

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I'm never watching that again-

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I'm never watching that again-

But it's real funny-

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