En Family x Modern Reader (Part 10...?)

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(Y/n) silently opened the door, seeing a large amount of corpses.

"Hey, cleaning team is here." Shin smirked softly with small panting. He clenched his hammer softly.

Noi smiled, softly swinging her legs from on the stage.

(Y/n) saluted softly.

"Yes, sir." She responded before flipping her vacuum's switch on. "Suck everything in. The corpses, the blood, and the belongings." (Y/n) spoke.

Her vacuum started to suck in the blood, the corpses, and their belongings.

"... Man, that always looks satisfying..." Noi mumbled.

"Indeed..." Shin responded. He and Noi watched as the vacuum sucked everything up. Soon enough, the room seemed completely empty.

Aside from the last guy, who was still alive.

"Just why strike an auction like this...?" He muttered.

Shin looked at him.

"Oh? He's still alive?" He mumbled. (Y/n) silently looked back at the male.

"Even so... the En family will fall someday!" He yelled. "Your families will be hunted down, one by one!" (Y/n) silently approached the male, and raised her vacuum. "You can c-" The male was cut off, since (Y/n) slammed her vacuum down on his head.

The vacuum sucked in his corpse.

"Well then." Noi smiled softly.

"It looks like she's getting used to this." Shin mumbled.

"Is that good?" Noi questioned. Shin shrugged.

"Hey, did you leave anyone alive?" He questioned.

"Just the one you told me to tie up." (Y/n) answered.

"Okay good." Shin and Noi got themselves off the stage. "Let's hurry up and bring him to Mr. En. I'm sure he said something about his Magic being... 'interesting'." Shin made sure to include the quotes.

"What kind of Magic?" (Y/n)'s vacuum disappeared.

"I'm not sure." Shin shrugged.


"Well, his Magic certainly isn't Time Manipulation. Though, it's Universe Shifting." En spoke.

"Universe Shifting...?" Noi tilted her head.

"Basically the ability to go into other universes." En responded.

"Interesting." Shin nodded.

"Hm. So, what's your goal with this guy?" (Y/n) questioned.

"... If we can use his Magic, we may be able to get to a universe where I can get a Time controlling Sorcerer." En responded.

"You're still hung up on that?" Noi mumbled.

"Of course." En softly glared forward.

"Drama Queen." Noi mumbled again. En softly grunted.

"It's best to get the guy's trust, first." (Y/n) spoke. She looked towards a random room.

"And if we don't get it?" Shin stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"... We'll have to resort to force." (Y/n) smiled softly. "I'm gonna go out." She said.

"Why?" En arched an eyebrow.

"I just want to go to a restaurant. I've kind of been wanting to ever since I got here, though, unfortunately never got to." En looked at Noi.

"Should we let her go on her own?" Shin nodded.

"Yeah. She can protect herself just fine. You can even send one of your goons in with her. Come on, Noi. We're up for a small spar." The white haired female cheered.

She and Shin walked down the hall, leaving En and (Y/n) to themselves.

"I don't mind being accompanied by one of the goons." She spoke.

"Most of them are doing their own work. Do you think you can go on your own?" (Y/n) nodded.

"Yeah." She responded.

"Okay then. You can go. Just don't be out for too long." En pushed open a door to his room.

"Right." (Y/n) walked down the other side of the hall.

(I'm going to Tanba's restaurant. I need those pies again. -(Y/n))

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