39k Read Special

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My apologies that I haven't been uploading any specials. Though, I'll be sure to see how the reads go and try to update more.

Reader is gender neutral, and doesn't care about their pronouns. (Their pronouns can be up to you guys.)

They're a Devil.

Their Magic are the graces from Seven Deadly Sins.


"Well, I happened to get out of Devil work for now. So I can spend time with you guys, as I said back in the Black House." (Y/n) said.

"That's nice of you." En spoke.


"It's been a while since we've all seen you, Senpai #2!" Noi said, putting her thumb up. (Y/n) nodded.

"Yeah." They said before exiting their Devil Body. It was consumed in a small water tornado before vanishing. "Well, I'm sure I don't have much jobs left. So I can hang with the Family again." (Y/n) said.

"That's perfect." En nodded.

"I've been wanting to show you some improvements when we spar." Shin said with a soft smirk.

"Noted." (Y/n) smiled faintly. "Anyways, can't be late." Their Devil Body appeared next to them. "I'll see you guys next time. Preferably tomorrow. The time specifically will be unknown. So don't be shocked to see me appear at a random time."


(Y/n) nodded.

"So, who's the Devil Cat?" They questioned.

"Oh. This is Kikurage. She's one of the newer additions to the Family." En answered. He gently rubbed under Kikurage's chin.

"I see... So she's the resurrection Sorcerer." (Y/n) nodded.

(The thing's a brat, though. -(Y/n))

"So, what's going on in the Family right now?" They questioned.

"We'll be attending a contest for who gets to sell their food in the area." (Y/n) nodded.

"I'll join in. Free food." They softly looked around. "So, when does it start, and where?" En smiled faintly.

"It starts in an hour. Come with me. I want to introduce you to my Partner with the others." (Y/n) nodded.


"Let me reintroduce you to my Partner. Nikaido." En spoke. He put an arm around Nikaido's shoulder. "Oh. And we have a special addition." (Y/n) entered the room.

"Good afternoon." They greeted and sat down between Shin and Noi.

"Hey, Senpai #2!" She greeted.

"Huh. (Y/n)'s here." Shin smirked faintly.

"... Pleased to meet you..." Nikaido said.

"Ooh! A new mask!" Ebisu said. She walked over to (Y/n). "Gender?"

"Neutral." Fujita slowly pulled Ebisu away from (Y/n).

"Sorry about her-" (Y/n) nodded.

"It's fine. I get the question a lot. It's normal by now." They looked at Nikaido. "Anyways, what's with her? She's real blank. Or is that her default?" Noi nodded.

"She's sure quieted down from when we were in the Black House." She said.

"You and Shin signed contracts of your own free will, so you wouldn't understand. But the ones we signed give me the power to control her." En spoke.

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