En Family x Neko Reader (Requested)

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So, the reader is gonna look like Izuna from No Game No Life a bit.

You'll still have your (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes.


"Stop." (Y/n) pushed Chota's hands away. He whined.

"But I wanna touch your cat ears!" He responded.

"You've already done so five times." (Y/n) looked forward. "En, can you turn him into a mushroom?" Chota whined again.

"How mean!" He sighed softly.

"I would really want to, since he's always around you, but he can probably get you back to normal once he gets out of that small phase of his." En and (Y/n) silently stared at Chota.

He was fawning over (Y/n)'s cat ears and tail.
(Y/n) silently sat down next to En.

"No. You can't." (Y/n) said.

"... What's the harm in it?" En questioned. He softly scratched (Y/n)'s cat ears while softly stroking under her chin.

As if by instinct, (Y/n) purred. She then smacked En's hands away and sat away.

The red haired male chuckled while Chota whined.

The two spoke over each other.

"No fair! Why can he touch your ears while I can't?"
"I'm sorry for that. I just couldn't resist it. You're slightly like Kikurage."

(Y/n) frowned softly. She looked away.

"Ebisu has received word that Big Sister has turned into a cat girl!" Ebisu ran into the room. She made eye contact with (Y/n).


Ebisu ran over to (Y/n) and pet her tail.

En walked over and continued to scratch (Y/n)'s cat ears and stroke under her chin. The female sighed softly before purring on instinct.

"Ebisu..." Fujita mumbled while walking into the room.

"She won't let me touch her ears and tail!" Chota whined.

"It's noisy in here." Shin yawned a bit. "It was true?" He questioned and arched an eyebrow.

"She looks cute!" Noi responded.

"One of my men told me that cat girls are apparently called nekos. And sometimes, few nekos are available to an ability called Blood Destruction. They can enhance their physical abilities. That can be useful to us if we know how to treat it right." En explained. He continued on with making (Y/n) purr. Ebisu did the same.

"(Y/n)'s already powerful as it is. So if she uses Blood Destruction, does this mean she might be as powerful as you?" Everyone looked at En. The male stopped.

"We'll need to figure out just how strong (Y/n) can be in that form, and just how long she can hold it for." En responded and continued on with scratching behind (Y/n)'s ears.

"Put your attention on Kikurage or something!" (Y/n) attempted to push En's hands away. However, Ebisu pet (Y/n)'s tail, causing the female to purr again. En continued on with scratching (Y/n)'s ears again.

"This isn't fair!" Chota yelled.

"Maybe her being in this form isn't all that bad." Shin said with a soft chuckle.

"It's a literal curse. Thanks." (Y/n) softly responded. "You two are better than making me purr than my own dad. Thanks." Ebisu and En stopped. So did everyone in the room.

"So this is normal?" Ebisu questioned.

(Oh, crap. -(Y/n))

"A bit." The female responded.

"When?" En took out a small notepad and pencil.

"Why do you have that?" (Y/n) questioned.

"Answer the question." En responded.

"And you answer mine!" (Y/n) replied.

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