En x Male Reader (Requested)

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"You should have never used that. But it was a deterrent for me, huh?" En's eyes narrowed a bit as he sat up on his bed. "I'm hurt. I've been your husband for how much years now? Twenty three years? And you still don't trust me?" (Y/n) leaned against the wall.

"If you ensured that Shin and Noi didn't hear about that event, this wouldn't be happening." He answered. (Y/n) walked in front of En.

"But I made up for that by erasing their memories of that. Besides, you seemed to like that event." En hummed softly.

"You're right." He responded before (Y/n) sat down next to him.

"Just lighten up." (Y/n) said.

"What do you want?" En questioned while he looked at the male.

"Just some cuddles." (Y/n) answered.

"Is that really why you came all the way to my room?" En arched an eyebrow.

"Yeah." (Y/n) answered and wrapped his arms around En. The male tensed from the sudden touch, but he soon calmed down. "Come on. You'll be fine, like usual." The two silently laid down on the bed. En slowly wrapped his arms around (Y/n).

"How long are we going to stay like this?" En questioned.

"Do you not enjoy it?" (Y/n) snuggled a bit closer.

"It's not that... It's just that this was a bit sudden..." En looked at (Y/n).

"I thought you've gotten used to it by now." He responded.

"... I mean... This is nice..." En muttered. His grip tightened a bit.

"See? I told you that you'd be fine." (Y/n) looked up at En. The male softly grunted.

Antagonist Dorohedoro One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें