All Six x Modern Reader (Part Two) (Requested)

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"Hey, Ebisu. Can you stop controlling Enenra's main account with your feet?" (Y/n) questioned while tapping a few keys on her computer.

"Well... I'm hungry. And I need to eat if I want to get bigger." Ebisu mumbled. (Y/n) silently pat Ebisu's head.

"You already have a perfect and flawless body, Ebisu. You don't need to change it." (Y/n) responded. She turned her seat and continued on with her work. Ebisu hummed softly. She took her mask off and laid down on (Y/n)'s bed.

"What time is it, Big Sis?" (Y/n) looked at the clock.

"Uhm..." She mumbled before the door slammed open.

"(Y/n)!! Are you doing school work again?!" Chota yelled while prancing over.

"Yeah." (Y/n) responded.

"I thought En hid your computer!" Chota pulled (Y/n) into a tight hug.

"Yeah. But I found it again." (Y/n) responded. "By the way, it's 8:00 PM, Ebisu." She added.

"Okay then. It's time to annoy Fujita." Ebisu got out of bed and put her skull mask on.

"Stop pressuring yourself!" Chota whined.

"If I don't graduate, I won't be able to get a good job." (Y/n) responded and pulled away from the hug. She continued on with work again.

"But it still hurts you!" Chota looked over (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"I'll deal with it." She said and popped her knuckles.

"(Y/n), we have food for you!" Noi announced while she slammed the door open.

"You need to stop slamming the door open." Shin mumbled.

"Hey, you two." (Y/n) waved a bit and continued on with work.

"You're taking a break from that." Shin closed the laptop and kept a hold of it.

"I took a break a few minutes ago. I can keep working." (Y/n) responded.

"Is that true, Ebisu?" Noi questioned. The female shook her head.

"Big sis has been working the hell out of herself!" Ebisu responded.

"You've betrayed me, Ebisu." (Y/n) mumbled.

"There's our answer. You don't need to keep working like this!" Chota wagged his finger.

"I know, but it's necessary. Plus, En took away the laptop for a month. I have to catch up. 'Speed run your grades any percent.' A friend said that to me a few years ago." (Y/n) smiled softly.

"Well, your friend is unbelievably stupid." Shin sighed softly. Noi gently chopped (Y/n)'s head.

"Does En have to take away your laptop again?" Noi questioned.

"Did someone say my name?" En opened the door.

"Wasn't it already open?" (Y/n) mumbled.

"You got your computer again?" En questioned with an arched eyebrow.

"Yeah." (Y/n) responded while Noi put the bag of food down on the desk.

"If you're gonna keep overworking yourself, I'm taking your laptop away again." En said while Shin handed him the laptop.

"I can just break it." The blond said.

"I'd really like you to do that, but if we do that, she won't talk to you anymore." En responded.

"I won't talk to you either!" (Y/n) yelled before Kikurage jumped onto her lap. "Again?" (Y/n) mumbled.

"Kikurage appreciates head pats." Ebisu mumbled.

"Is everyone in here again?" Fujita questioned.

"Yes." (Y/n) answered before getting pulled into another hug from Chota.

"What is this again?" Shin walked over to the TV Ebisu was previously playing on.

"Video game!" Ebisu responded.

"A video game?" Fujita questioned and walked next to Ebisu.

"Entertainment!" Ebisu yelled.

"If you want to know how to play, have Ebisu teach you." (Y/n) said and pulled away from Chota. The male whined softly.

"You can have your computer back next month." En said.

"Next month?" (Y/n) questioned.

"That's reasonable. Now, let's eat!" Noi responded.

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