Ebisu x Reader (Requested)

331 11 2


(It's okay. I can do this. I can do this! -(Y/n))

The red haired teen turned. Ebisu wasn't anywhere in sight.

(Where did she leave to? -(Y/n))


"Is she in a shark outfit?" (Y/n) tilted her head as she approached Ebisu.

The female turned as soon as she heard footsteps. Ebisu was a bit cautious as she caught sight of (Y/n) coming closer and closer.

"Why are you in a shark suit?" (Y/n) questioned.

Ebisu was silent for a small second before prancing around.

"...Triangle seen in open sea!

Bikini girls in your black eyes!

Rip off their flesh!

Dye the blue ocean with their blood!

Crush their...


Sharks! Sharks!

Peace Sharks!!"

(Y/n) tilted her head a bit as Ebisu flailed her arm around. She stopped and looked at (Y/n).
The female smiled softly and laughed.

"You're ever bit as interesting as I thought you were!" It was Ebisu's turn to tilt her head. "I've wanted to talk to you. But, some stuff always got in the way. Or it was just how shy I usually am." Ebisu nodded.

"Shy..." She mumbled. "Name is Ebisu. Big Boss' Daughter." (Y/n) smiled softly.

"I'm (Y/n). I take it that you like baseball?" Ebisu stopped.

"Yes." She said.

"Well, uh. Do you want some hot chocolate in the room?" Ebisu nodded. She and (Y/n) ran off into a room.

Fujita walked into the room the two were previously in.

"Ebisu?" Fujita questioned.

Antagonist Dorohedoro One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon