Noi x Tall Reader (Requested)

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"In a year?" The trio looked at each other. Noi and (Y/n) looked down at Shin.

"Let's just get back upstairs and see if there's anything that duo found." (Y/n) said.


Right as they walked to the stairs, they heard Fujita scream.

"Fucking useless..." Shin mumbled.

"Don't be like that." (Y/n) responded and softly hit the back of Shin's head. "I'm sure he just cracked his head open or something." (Y/n) smiled.

"That doesn't make it any better." Shin responded with a soft sigh.


"Senpai! (Y/n)! They're okay!" (Y/n) nodded and pat Noi's shoulder.

"Good job." (Y/n) responded. She looked at Shin. The male was currently having a small fight with the duck doll. "Hey, Shin, duck. Oh, wait. You don't need to."

"No more short jokes!!" Shin shouted before the doll got a knife to the face. The doll fell to the floor, unmoving as smoke emitted off of it.
Shin stepped towards (Y/n). "Just because you're the tallest doesn't mean that you can make short jokes. I'm one of the tallest." (Y/n) smiled softly.

"Oh, really? I didn't know that." She responded.

"Senpai! (Y/n)! The safe!" Noi pulled (Y/n) back a bit.

"Right..." Shin mumbled and walked towards the safe.

"Relax, Noi." (Y/n) softly pat the woman's head. "Cuddles come after work." (Y/n) said.

"En always makes us work!" Noi complained.

"Then maybe in between. We could sneak a bit of cuddles." (Y/n) smiled softly.

"That's fine. But can you promise it?" (Y/n) nodded.

"Yeah." She responded.

"Noi." Shin held the decapitated and rotted head towards the woman.

"Right." Noi unclipped the mouth part of her mask and sprayed her smoke over the head.

Fujita and Ebisu shrieked.

"Well, what do you know? The guy in the lizard mouth was already dead..." Shin sighed and gave the head to (Y/n). "We haven't got anything. This is ridiculous!" Shin walked out of the room.

(Y/n) softly opened Ebisu's bag, making the girl hum softly with confusion.

"Can you put this head in your bag?"

Ebisu deadpanned.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!" She shouted.

Antagonist Dorohedoro One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora