Shin x male reader

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"Hey, (Y/n)?" Shin entered the room. He saw (Y/n) silently staring up at a spider. Shin also saw that (Y/n) was barely shivering.

The spider's legs scurried against the walls.

(Y/n) felt a shiver up his spine just by seeing this. He slowly moved away until he was next to Shin.

"Really?" (Y/n) nodded. Shin sighed softly. "Fine." He mumbled. "You owe me a few hours of your time, though." (Y/n) nodded again. Shin gripped his hammer tightly and walked up to the spider. It stopped when it saw Shin.

(That's one ugly fucker. -Shin)

"Stop freaking my boyfriend out, you damn spider!" Shin slammed his hammer into where the spider was. It created a hole in the wall, and the spider's guts were on the wall, but, the two couldn't care at that moment. "There." Shin said as he turned to (Y/n). "It's all gone. Now, where's my damn hug?" The blond got tackled into a hug.

"I wouldn't be moving if you weren't here." (Y/n) said.

"What's going on, Senpai?" Noi questioned. Another spider landed on Shin's shoulder. (Y/n) didn't seem to notice this. "Senpai! There's a spider on your shoulder!" Noi shouted.

(Y/n) tensed immediately. Shin's eyes narrowed a bit.

"Noi. Just pick it off my shoulder." Shin said while keeping (Y/n) still.

"R-Right." Noi walked towards the pair and picked the spider away. It squirmed in Noi's grip. "Now get the hell out!!" Noi threw the spider out the window. Shin's grip loosened.

"I'm never going in this room again."
"Stop over exaggerating."
"I agree. Spiders are kind of creepy."

Antagonist Dorohedoro One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now