Cross Eye Group x Modern Reader (Part 3)

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"There! My 'House of Envelopes' is complete!" Ushishimada said, smiling softly.

Ton laughed while (Y/n) snapped a picture of it.

"I'll keep this one in mind." She said.

"For Christ's sake, you three. Quit fuckin with the stock! If you mess it up, we can't sell this stuff." Saji said.

"Aw, come on, man! I build this 'House of Dreams' for us from the fruits of our hard work!" Ushishimda responded.

"House of dreams?!" Saji arched an eyebrow.

"Yeah! A big kitchen. A spa-sized tub! Show him, (Y/n)!"

The (H/c) haired female showed Saji the picture.

"You three have lost your touch with reality." (Y/n) smiled.

"Is that bad?" Saji and Ushishimda sweat dropped.

"Yeah..." Saji mumbled before he sat down on the stairs. "Anyways, Dokuga's late. He's supposed to bring us some money from Kento's." (Y/n) frowned softly.

"Kento gives me some bad vibes..." She mumbled.

"Yeah. They can't even make powder for shit, either." Ushishimada added.

"Hey. Isn't today-"

"Oh, shit."

(Y/n) hid her phone immediately.

"Hullo?" The landlord questioned, knocking on the door.

"Shit!" Ton yelled.

"Come on, Saji! Answer it! It's either you or (Y/n)!" Saji softly grabbed (Y/n)'s arm.

"If I'm going through this, you are, too..." Saji mumbled.

"Nononono!! I don't want her to smother me again!!" (Y/n) said, yanking her arm away. She ran off.

Saji sighed softly before he opened the front door.

"Why if it isn't our landlady! Looking beautiful, as ever!" Saji said.

"Why that means so much to me, coming from a handsome rouge like you!" The landlady said. "I know I'm early. But I thought I'd drop by and pick up this month's rent. Oh, wait a moment... I meant the last six months' rent you haven't paid! All of it, please."  She added.

"Uh..." Saji mumbled.

"I like you guys. I really do. But business is business." The landlady said.

Saji invited her in.

"Our friend, Dokuga is on his way with the money. So, we'll pay you when he gets here. In the meantime, why don't you have some quality time with Ushishimada?" Saji suggested.

"What?!" Ushishimada yelled.

Saji looked at the stairs.

"Why not (Y/n), too?"

(You have betrayed me, Saji. -(Y/n))

"You know she loves you, Ushi!" Ton said, sweat dropping a bit while grabbing Ushishimada's shoulders.

"No backtalking! Get over there!" Saji said.


"I'm so happy to see you again, Ushishimada!" The landlady said, grabbing the male's hand.

"Th-The pleasure's all mine, ma'am..." Ushishimada responded.

"I need to run some errands! I'll be back!!" (Y/n) ran out the building. "It's a fucking flash grenade out here!!" She shouted, running back in the house.

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