Fujita x Reader (Requested)

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"Well... it's certainly a tall order." (Y/n) said. They looked over to the side. "Though, I believe that I can get it done."

En silently nodded.

"While this happens, I would like you to accompany Fujita." The male perked up a bit with a soft blush.


En looked at (Y/n).

"You can handle that, right?" They nodded. "Good." En looked at Fujita. "Rest assured. With (Y/n) as a bodyguard, you don't need to worry about anything. And don't underestimate their Magic, despite how ridiculous it sounds." Fujita silently nodded.

"Yes, sir!" He responded. (Y/n) and Fujita walked out of the room, walking down the hall.


"... Hey..." (Y/n) looked at Fujita. "... My apologies for asking this. Though, are you single?" (Y/n) blinked, silently staring at Fujita. "I'm sorry!" The male did a 90° bow.

"... I don't think I really have time for stuff like that." Fujita blinked, looking at (Y/n). "Though, I do think that I would like something like that at least once. Having that special someone sure does seem nice." They looked forward while gently tugging their hood over their head. "So, what's your goal right now?"

"... I need to get someone called Ebisu. She had reptilian Magic." (Y/n) nodded.

"Then, where are they?" They questioned.

"Maybe in the Hole. Come on."

Fujita looked forward as well.

(Could have sworn that I saw a small blush on her face. -Fujita)


Fujita tugged on Ebisu's wrist as smoke emitted off of (Y/n)'s fingertips.

Nikaido looked down before something closed in on her.

"... Might as well get a kill in." Caiman looked at Nikaido with his eyes while attempting to pull Ebisu towards him.

Still, Fujita kept the game of tug of war going.

(What the hell of a plant is that...?! -Fujita)

"The plant is carnivorous. You might want to save your friend." (Y/n) softly pointed to the plant that was currently trying to consume Nikaido.

Soon enough, Caiman let go and took out his knife, making Fujita fall onto his back, with Ebisu laying on him.

The goon slammed the door shut.

"I closed it, Fujita!" The male slowly sat up.

"Damn... That hurt..." He mumbled before taking notice of the goon's shivering as he slowly pointed towards Ebisu.

(Y/n) softly frowned before looking away a bit.

"F-Fujita..." The servant softly stuttered. Fujita slowly looked at Ebisu before shrieking.

"Let's just get her to the hospital..." (Y/n) mumbled. They looked at Fujita. "Let's go." The male nodded and picked Ebisu up. "Right!"

Antagonist Dorohedoro One ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt