Brother Chota x Reader

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"Uh, yeah. Sorry, Chota..." En mumbled, feeling his ribs almost getting crushed by the force of Chota's grip.

"I heard En and Shin are back?" (Y/n) questioned while she walked out of her room.

"Yeah! Come on!" Chota responded. (Y/n) smiled softly and walked in front of En.

"It's nice to see you and Shin again." (Y/n) said. En nodded a bit.

"Yeah..." He softly responded.

"Do you need a hand there, Shin?" The blond shook his head.

"No. I'm fine." He responded. (Y/n) nodded and looked away.

"I have some stuff to be doing, so I'll be going in my room now. Chota."

The said male hummed softly while tilting his head a bit.

"If you need me for anything, just say it." (Y/n) smiled softly.

En and Shin frowned softly from in front of the two siblings.

(She's laving so early? -En and Shin)

(Y/n) walked into her room. Chota looked at En and Shin.

"Whatever you're planning, cancel it. (Y/n)'s my sister. I'm not letting her get with any of you." En raised his chin a bit.

"You sure? I bet I can make her fall for me." Shin grunted softly.

"She's surely not gonna like a cocky bastard like you." He growled.

"Get out, you two! My sister's not marrying either of you!" Chota yelled, already pushing the two males to the elevator.

"Wait! We have business with you!" En responded.

"Nyahaha!" Kikurage laughed.

"What was that?!" Chota yelled.

Antagonist Dorohedoro One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora