Shin x Reader x En (Requested)

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(Y/n) looked at the dead bodies around her with tired eyes.

(Not one break... No sleep for the past week... -(Y/n))

She left the bodies on the floor and walked out of the building, covered in the blood of her targets.

(When I get home... I'm not taking any jobs until a few days pass... -(Y/n))

"Oh! Senpai!" (Y/n) looked next to her. Shin and Noi were there. They were carrying garbage bags.

"Hey, you two." (Y/n) mumbled and made the chains on her arm disappear.

"How've you been?" Noi questioned.

"Tired. En keeps assigning jobs." (Y/n) responded.

Noi peeked into the building (Y/n) was in.

"Hey! We were supposed to be assigned to that job!" (Y/n) arched an eyebrow.

"En didn't say so..." She mumbled.

"How much sleep have you had?" Shin blankly questioned.

"None." (Y/n) opened the door to her car.

"Hey... Can you give us a ride...? We crashed our car by driving off a cliff earlier..." (Y/n) looked at the two with blank eyes.

"Don't ask how this was possible." Shin said while he opened the door to the passenger seat.

Noi took the back seat. (Y/n) sighed softly and took the driver seat.

"Actually, let's switch. Since you haven't had any sleep." (Y/n) blinked.

"It's fine. Once I get home, I can get more rest." She mumbled. Shin glared at (Y/n). She tiredly stared back.

"Uh... you two okay?" Noi questioned.

"Fine. We're switching. Don't blame me if I fall asleep in the car, though." (Y/n) mumbled.



"And she's asleep..." Noi mumbled while she looked at (Y/n).

"She deserves it. But En's being an asshole." Shin responded.

"He's always been an asshole. What do you mean?" Noi looked at Shin. His eyes narrowed a bit.

"I'll have to have a talk with En about this... Keeping (Y/n) up for a whole week..." Noi smirked softly.

"You like (Y/n)?" Shin looked at Noi.

"A-A stupid suggestion!"

"Senpai! Watch the road!"


"En. You need (Y/n) on another job?" Shin questioned while he ate his mushrooms.

"Yes. Why exactly?" En looked at Shin, who got up.

"Let her have her break... She's been awake for a week straight, wasting her energy on people who don't matter." En looked at (Y/n).

She was sleeping on her chair.

"That's fine. If she wanted a break, she could have just said so." En said.

"But you should know that she's tired just by looking at her!" Shin responded.

"I thought she wanted more of a challenge." En said again.

"Stop acting as if you don't care for her. I know you're secretly with her, taking care of her while she's asleep!" Noi called out.

En's face heated up to the brim.


Shin looked at En as a feeling sparked.


"Senpai #2, your concern for (Y/n) in the car was more than enough to give me hints. You clearly like her, too."

"This is quite the entertainment." A servant mumbled. "They both look as if they're gonna kill each other."

Shin and En really looked as if they were gonna kill each other.

"Well, I'll be helping (Y/n) to her room. By this, I'm sure she'll be asleep for at least half a day or a full day. So good luck to you Senpai #2." En frowned softly.

"No luck for me?" He questioned.

"You can rot, for all I care." Noi responded while she picked (Y/n) up.

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