Chapter 68

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I sit back down at the table and I see Carmen checking in with me first. She mouths the words, you okay? I shrug at her and I can feel Adrian watching us. I grab my wine and take a long swig just as Harry comes in, looking disgruntled perfectly. He sits down in a huff beside me and I roll my eyes believably at him. I finish my glass of wine just as the food comes. I feel a hand on my leg, and this time it's Adrian.

"You look like you could use another drink?"

I nod back at him in agreement and he orders me another glass. I'm grateful when he removes his hand from my leg when he starts to eat. I watch Harry sip his drink slowly, and I know he is being cognizant of having too much alcohol while he's in protector mode.

I listen attentively to all the conversations and join in when I can. Harry is playing the silent, brooding role well, but I do wonder what he would actually be like in this scenario. Would he be chatting happily and joking around like he does when it's just the two of us or does he save that for me? Would he get along with all of my friends? Would he fit in?

"Harry, when does the club reopen?" Niall asks, and I'm grateful for him for making an effort to include him.

"Labor Day weekend."

"We should go!" Niall says enthusiastically. "Support them all. Bring a big crew."

I cringe a little thinking of the sexy dance Adrian and I have prepared to perform. I'll have to tell them not to bring my family or I'll be fielding questions about Adrian for the next five Sunday dinners.

"I'll reserve you a table. Just tell me which night," Harry says kindly.

"Ya'll are going to be blown away when you see CiCi and Adrian's dance," Carmen brags, and I immediately wince at the topic.

"Really?" Zayn asks, his eyebrows lifting curiously.

"That's only because we can do lifts and don't have to stay in hold. It's so different from what you and I do," I try and sound casual but I know I come off sounding defensive. Zayn only nods in response and I'm grateful someone else changes the subject.

"I don't know, I think what we're doing is pretty fucking special," Adrian whispers to me, as he casually puts his arm behind me on the back of the booth.

I only smile in response; careful of my words around Harry. I slide my hand down between Harry and I, and rub a single finger gently on the outside of his leg. I'm careful to make the movements small as to not draw attention to it.

"Do you want more wine?" Adrian asks me. "Or maybe we should order some shots?"

"I think she's good," Harry speaks up for me.

Adrian looks around me at Harry and shakes his head in annoyance.

"I think the lady can speak for herself," he retorts, taking a big swig of his beer, finishing his third one.

He gestures for the waitress to come over.

"Hey, I'll have another beer. And she'll have another wine..."

"No, I'm good. This is plenty," I say gesturing to my half full glass.

"Shots then?"

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