Chapter 36

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I stayed up late telling Carmen all about me and Harry. It felt good to unravel it to someone even though I didn't tell her everything. I left out the part about Harry coaching Zayn and I because I didn't feel like it was my secret to tell. I told her how we started hanging out more and more outside of work and our friendship developed into something more. I told her more details about him taking care of me after that horrible Fourth of July night. I told her about bringing him to Sunday dinner and how much my family liked him. About how much I liked him. I told her how he made me feel like I could do anything. That winning Worlds wasn't as out of reach as I thought.

"What about Zayn?"

"I told him that I think we should just be friends."

"How did he take that?" she says bracing herself for my answer.

"He thought we hadn't given it enough of a chance and..." I stop talking not knowing if I should reveal the next part to her.

"And??" she prompts me, not missing a thing.

"He doesn't think I should trust Harry," I admit to her.


How did I explain to her why without telling her about Harry's dance background? I couldn't. So I just shrugged at her, as if Zayn didn't have a real reason even though I knew he did. I was scared of his secret but I was more scared of losing him and all the feelings he stirred up inside of me.

The following morning I show up at Harry's studio exactly on time, knowing how carried away I might get with him if I was there before Zayn. I'm grateful when I see Zayn already warming up when I get there and I join him. Part of me is mad at him for telling Frankie about my work and the other half of me is glad that someone in my family knows.

"Hey," I say, feeling the tension between us.

"Hey," he says back with a smile and before I know what's happening he is pulling me into a tight hug. This would have been a normal greeting for us a month ago but a lot has changed since then. From over Zayn's shoulder, Harry walks into the room from his office and bristles when he catches sight of us. The reaction makes me pull away from Zayn but as I do, he leans in and kisses my forehead and I'm sure I can see Harry grinding his teeth in response.

I finish my stretching in silence while Zayn chats incessantly about his night at work. Harry has his back to me but I can see him eye me through the mirror and I try to judge his mood; determine if he's someone who lets jealousy roll off his back or someone who takes it out on their partner. Being jealous is a normal emotion but letting it evolve into hurtful behaviour is where it becomes a problem.

Harry puts some music on and approaches me. He stands directly above me and doesn't say a word just offers me his hand. I give it to him and he pulls me to a stand with ease, keeping my hand in his and leading me to the middle of the room. We stand in our dance hold as Zayn walks slowly to follow us. Harry speaks as soon as Zayn is close.

"The rumba is a sensual dance. It involves much more than steps and holds," he says before spinning me, and I rotate four times quickly before he stops me. "The fast parts need to be sharp and tight. And the slow parts—" he begins doing slow side to side hip rotations that I mimic back to him "—need to be torturously exaggerated like a slow motion seduction. When you move that slow, every inch of you has to be accounted for. Every shape you make with your bodies has to be deliberate and controlled."

He quickly turns me and pulls my back to his front, his hands go to my hips and push my hips away from his making my rest my head on his shoulder and arch my back, pushing my chest towards the ceiling. His large hands practically cover my entire waist as he pushes me out further to exaggerate the bend like I'm desperate to keep my head close to his, even though my lower half is being pulled away. He stops as I turn my head towards him, already breathing heavy, forgetting that Zayn is observing this.

"The people watching need to believe that the first thing the two dancers are going to do when they leave the dance floor is fuck each other's brains out," he says bluntly.

Those words startle me out of the trance he put me under and I lift my head off his shoulder and stand up straight, taking a step away from him. My eyes glance up at Zayn's and I catch him glaring at Harry.

"Your last rumba at the New Jersey competition—," he pauses for emphasis, "—no one was doing any sort of fucking after that. It wasn't believable. It was an act. A good act, but still an act."

Zayn looks at him as if he has just been slapped but he recovers quickly.

"Who's to say we didn't go straight up to our hotel room and fuck before coming back for our last dance?"

I grimace at his vulgarity and what he's implying about him and I. Harry notices.

"Did you?" Harry says with arrogance, somehow knowing that we didn't have sex but wanting Zayn to admit it didn't happen.

"I don't think that's any of your business," Zayn says weakly. I wonder if I wasn't here would he lie to Harry just to save face. Harry smirks at getting the answer that he wants.

"There won't be any room for doubt with the routine I'm about to teach you," Harry says, taking my hands in his again to show us the first steps.

"Except I'm going to be the one fucking you after," he whispers into my ear and I suck in a breath at his words, my cheeks flushing.

Harry teaches Zayn and I the routine a few steps at a time. It takes longer than it usually does to get the small details precise. I don't think Harry wants to give up touching me to let Zayn and I practice just the two of us. I'm not complaining though. My choice of Harry becomes reinforced when as the day goes on, I wish it was just him and I dancing and Zayn was elsewhere.

When we end in the late afternoon, Zayn and I walk out together. I know I'll see Harry later at work and he gives me a sly wink as I walk out the door. I think today was his way of marking me as his own. To show Zayn just how responsive my body is to Harry's touch in a way that it's never been to Zayn's. That kind of physical compatibility can't be faked. It's the key to winning in the dance world.

Zayn offers to drive me home but it's a short walk. I practically skip as I go with how happy I am from training today. My phone rings when I'm nearing my building. I look at my caller ID, Bossman.

"Miss me already?" I answer with a smile on my face.

"You should have stayed, I would have driven you home," his voice comes out so deep, I practically turn around to walk back to him.

"I never would have made it to work if I had stayed," I confess to him.

"Are you saying you really liked my rumba routine?" he practically begs for a compliment.

"I'm saying I really like you," I tell him with a confidence I didn't know I had.

"I really like you too," and I can hear the smile in his voice.

We're both quiet for a second. Me, grinning stupidly with the phone to my ear.

"Can I come pick you up? We can make-out in my car again, Sunshine?" I hear the tease but also eagerness in his question.

"My boss will be really mad if I don't show up to work. Might even pull me into his office if I'm really naughty," I tease him back.

All I hear is him groan on the other end and I can picture him running his hand down his face. When he seems to have composed himself, he speaks again and his voice is even lower than before.

"Be late, just so I have an excuse," the words come out like a command and I find myself biting my lip at the sound.

"How about I come early instead?" I say low back to him.

"Sunny..." he whimpers out.

"I'll see you soon, boss," I tell him before hanging up.

A/N: A sexy rumba lesson today.

Poor Zayn, but also he kind of threw her under the bus by telling her brother.

Do we like CiCi and Harry's increased flirtation?

Vote and comment if you enjoyed! I love to read everything!


-Kay xx

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