Chapter 12

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"Hey Jonesy," I say as I walk past him.

"Hey Kid," he answers back. "Oh, my boyfriend wants to know if you have anymore competitions coming up. He was really excited when I told him I work with a Latin Dance champion."

"Really?! Yeah, I do in a few weeks. I'll text you the details."

I wave to Louis and Brody when I come in and I realize I haven't really made friends with the rest of the bartenders because I always get my drinks from Louis. I should probably make more of an effort to talk to them.

I'm the first one here today and I turn on some music on the speaker and begin to get ready. It's Hip Hop night so I chose a cropped Brooklyn Nets shirt and distressed denim shorts with my white Air Force Ones.

When I'm done getting dressed, I hear the sounds of the other girls coming down the hallway. They all live close to each other so they ride the subway in together.

When Carmen sees me, she runs up excitedly and hugs me.

"Are you excited for Monday?! I got Louis to put aside some boxes for us to grab tomorrow."

"Oh good! I asked my brothers, and Niall and Zayn, if they could help and they're going to borrow a van from a friend and bring a truck too."

I had already packed most of my things, not really having much, just my bedroom. Everything in the living room and kitchen was my roommate's so I would still need to do a bit of shopping for our new place. Carmen said she had a couch and a tv so I was glad that we didn't have to purchase those two big items.

Liam knocks on the door, before opening it when we tell him that we're dressed.

"Hello everyone. I've been told to remind you all that it's important to take breaks throughout the night so you don't wear yourselves out. We don't want anyone to get hurt or dehydrated."

I roll my eyes at his words and then turn my back to him facing my locker. I hear the door shut when he leaves.

"Spill the tea, girl!" Nicole says. "What happened?"

"Yeah, and don't say 'nothing' again like yesterday," Carmen adds. "Did something happen when Harry drove you home?"

"No! Nothing happened."

As much as I'm mad at Harry, this isn't my secret to tell. If he wanted to tell people about his dancing background than he would. So I tell a little white lie. To save him from anymore scrutiny.

"You know how Zayn and I danced here that night?"

They all nod.

"They asked me to make it a regular thing and I said no."

"What?! Why wouldn't you? Hell, I'd learn it too and we could all do it," Carmen says.

"Yeah," the other two agree.

I mentally curse myself for choosing that as my excuse as now the other girls seem so on board with Harry and Liam's idea.

We go out into the club and have our ritual shot with Louis. I ask Louis to introduce me to the other bartenders and they both seem really nice, and I make a note to be more friendly to them.

I don't see Harry at all and now it's time for me to take my first break. Somehow I know that he is here, probably sitting in his office. I make my way through the crowd to get to the bar and some guy steps in front of me to block my way.

"Go back to Brooklyn with that shirt!" he shouts at me, and then laughs with his friends as if he said the funniest joke ever, high-fiving them.

I step around him, annoyed, and nearly run right into Harry.

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