Chapter 26

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We drive back to my apartment and Harry insists on walking me up to my door claiming I don't want you to fall asleep on the way. I'm too tired to protest and when we get in front of my apartment, we stand awkwardly for a second, neither of us knowing what to do. We kissed just yesterday but that feels like a million years ago. The awkwardness grows as our silence is interrupted by the sounds of Carmen and Niall in the apartment.

"Oh my god!" I say, covering my ears and backing away from the door.

Harry looks confused by my reaction until he hears it too and starts chuckling.

"Sounds like they're having a good time in there!"

"Shut up!" I smack his arm lightly, whisper-shouting at him. "What am I supposed to do?! I just wanted to go to bed," I pout at him.

He grabs my hand and begins walking back to the elevator. Thankfully, it's still there and we get on right away.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Didn't I already tell you how comfortable my bed is."

"Harry, no! We can't..." before I can start rambling he puts his finger to my lips and I fall silent immediately. My back is against the wall and his body is close to mine.

"Sunshine, we're just going to sleep. I'm exhausted too. You're not the only one who went to bed late and got up early."

I feel my breath catch in my throat as I stare at him and the elevator going down startles me and makes me stumble. His hands grip my waist immediately, as I regain my balance.

"Unless you don't want to sleep?" he says lifting his eyebrows at me insinuating other things.

I roll my eyes and push at his hands in response to his teasing but he just wraps his arms around me fully, pulling me to his chest in a hug.

"God, you're cute when you're tired. And so easily wound up," he laughs into my hair.

"Har-ry, be nice or I'll sleep in the guest room again," I warn him.

"You love when I'm being a wanker or you would have told me to sod off by now," he responds.

I roll my eyes again at his antics as we walk out of the elevator with our arms wrapped around each other. He kisses me on the forehead before grabbing my hand and leading me outside to where he parked his car. He opens the door for me and I get in and soon we are on our way to his apartment.

It's daylight now so I can see how nice the outside of his building is. Even the elevator is nicer than mine too as we head up to his floor. When we go inside, I take in more than I did last time when my mind was preoccupied. I notice his furniture and my eye is drawn to the windows with a view of the city. It's not a huge apartment but it's bigger than mine and newer too, plus he doesn't have a roommate.

"Do you want to shower?" he asks me, setting my bag down.

"Yeah, if you don't mind," I answer back suddenly shy, even though I've already showered here before.

He walks me through his master bedroom and his bed looks so inviting with its white fluffy duvet and mountain of pillows. I tear my eyes away to follow him into the bathroom. He starts pulling out towels and I notice the green toothbrush I used last time is right where I left it on the counter. The idea of him keeping it makes me smile.

"I think you're all set. Do you want to borrow some clothes to sleep in?" he asks. I respond by nodding with a tight lipped smile on my face which he meets with his own. He returns a few seconds later with a white t-shirt and a pair of his boxers.

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