Chapter 20

172 20 53

Harry's POV

On Tuesday morning I'm in my dance studio getting ready for our training session today. It's actually going much better than I thought it would, although watching someone else touch her all day is getting on my nerves. And then yesterday, watching him take her hand to leave nearly made me want to throttle him. I don't think they're actually together. I feel like she would have told me to back off by now if they were but I know how it can be when you dance with someone for that long. Lines get blurred. Still doesn't make my blood boil any less knowing he holds her hand. I think back to the day I threw him against his car and how good it would feel to do that again.

I know she's not mine but that idiot doesn't deserve her. All this talent she has has been wasted on him. Even with her injury she could have rehabbed it and been right back the following year, at top form, competing at Worlds. But instead she has to be exceptional to make up for his mediocrity.

And to have that injury occur right after Worlds must have been devastating for her because she should have won. I know that. The judges know that. It's like a dirty secret in the dance community among the older group that in 2014, the best dancers did not win. She didn't know that though and I wasn't planning on telling her anytime soon. If I ever did tell her.

Twenty minutes before I expect them, I hear the door open and in comes Sunshine. She's early. And she's not with him. My lucky day. Her long dark hair is down today and I notice she has earbuds in that she takes out when she enters the studio.

"Good morning Sunshine, you're early."

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep last night."

I think back about her leaving here with Zayn and them going to dinner. Was it a date? If it was, they didn't stay together or else they surely would have come together. Maybe they fought?

"Did something happen?"

"No, just was up late talking to Carmen."

I watch her start to stretch in her tight black shorts and red tank top. I've already jogged this morning, followed by yoga and then showered before coming here. I'm feeling sufficiently warmed up but I can't resist the urge to join her, stretching my legs out next to her.

"You're very flexible," she says to me. "How long have you been dancing for?"

Personal question. Right out of the gate. She's never really asked me anything personal before.

"Twenty-five years."

"When did you start ballroom?"

"I think I was twelve. You?"

"Ten," with a slight smirk because she started younger. "What made you get into it?"

"My grandma owned a dance studio in London. I used to watch the dancers all the time, wanting to be able to do what they did. I asked my mom if I could join because I knew my dad would say no. Later, a girl at the studio needed a partner for ballroom dancing. I was a twelve years old and thought dancing with a girl all day sounded nice, so I started ballroom."

This is the most I've ever spoken about my dance background to anyone in a long time. I've avoided it all costs trying to escape my past. And then Sunshine walks into my life and reminds me that no matter how far you run, your past will always catch up to you.

"Was she your only partner?"

I find myself shaking my head and beginning to stand up from the question, as if I have no control over my physical reaction to that topic. Fleeing is my default.

"No, I switched partners when I was seventeen. Is Zayn coming today?" I ask, trying to change the subject. "Or should we just start without him?"

"He'll be here. He's never missed a session with me before."

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