Chapter 55

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Tuesday morning, I'm in my kitchen finishing breakfast when my building intercom buzzer sounds. I walk to the door to answer it.


"Hey! I'm here to pick you up," Zayn says cheerily.

I groan out in frustration. Zayn loves his sleep. I used to have to drag him to morning practices and now he's showing up early at my place to drive me. Something was definitely up.

"I'll be down in a second," I finally say back.

I brush my teeth, and then grab my bag and head downstairs. I see Zayn's car and open the door and get in.

"Morning!" he emotes, and I give him a side-eye which thankfully he takes as a cue to shut up. He lets us sit in silence for the drive and then we're pulling up in front of the studio and walking up the stairs.

"Can you go easy on him today?" Zayn asks before we open the door.

"I didn't even talk yesterday," I say back defensively.

"Exactly. The guy is hurting and he's trying. He could have dropped us both but instead he is spending his spare time helping us. For free! Just cut him some slack," he pleads his case.

"If you even knew the half of it, you wouldn't be saying that to me," I say, opening the door and entering the studio; feeling angry now by Zayn's words.

We start much like we did before, working on our Samba again. Harry still has that shitty transition in it but I leave it for now, knowing I'll talk to Zayn about it later to change it.

I stick to not talking again. Three times Harry has wanted to correct something I'm doing and stepped up to show me and all three times I've refused to take his hands when offered, forcing him to show me without a partner. I can tell that he is frustrated when after the third time I watch him grab a pink hair elastic and angrily put his hair up. I hate how good he looks like that.

We make it until lunch and Zayn leaves to get some food, so I eat alone on the floor. I've only taken a few bites of my food when Harry approaches me from his office. I watch him carefully each step he takes closer to me and I can feel my heartbeat quicken when he sits down right next to me with his container of food. I stop eating and stare at him for ten seconds before he finally lifts his head up to look at me. The second his eyes land on mine and I see all the hurt behind them, I bolt upright, grabbing my food and rushing out the door.

I get to the street and I can feel myself breathing heavily, I practically have steam coming out of my ears from the built up emotions I'm trying to stuff down inside of me. It's like they all want to spew out at once. I throw out the rest of my lunch, not in the mood to eat anymore.

Why does he get to look at me like he's the hurt one? He's the one who lied to me! It's not fair. I don't even get an opportunity to get over him because I'm forced to see him every day but Sundays. I feel like all the time we spent together was a lie because I didn't even know the most basic thing about him: his real name.

It makes me doubt his love for me. Something I had been more sure about than anything was how he felt about me but maybe that was all a lie too.

I stand outside until I see Zayn approaching and then I hide so he can't see me before waiting to follow in behind him. I don't want him to know how worked up I'm getting over Harry. That it's painful being in the same room as him. Breathing the same air as him.

When I enter the studio, Zayn and Harry are talking quietly to each other. Zayn seems to be trying to calm an agitated Harry down. They stop talking the moment they hear the door shut behind me. Zayn stays standing by the speaker for the music and Harry approaches me quickly. Zayn follows him in a few hurried steps, attempting to grab his arm but Harry pulls away.

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