Chapter 45

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Harry and I are the last ones to arrive at Tanner's apartment. When the door opens, Tanner cheers when he sees me and pulls me in for a hug.

"You made it!" he says, before letting me go and reaching his hand out to Harry. "Hey man!"

Sicko Mode by Travis Scott is playing as we walk further into the apartment and when Louis sees us he shouts, "Heyooo! They came!"

He offers us both a drink, always the bartender, and I go to say hi to the girls, leaving Harry to talk to Louis and Niall.

"Hey!" Carmen says, hugging me, followed by similar greetings from Angela and Nicole.

"I can't believe you got him to come!" Nicole says.

"Harry?" I ask confused.

"Yes! The only time I've seen him outside of work was when Louis forced him to have that party for his birthday earlier this year."

"You haven't seen him with CiCi," Carmen says smiling, leaning her head on my shoulder. "He's all heart eyes with her."

"What?! You two are dating?" Angela says. "Damn girl!"

I blush under their scrutiny, turning to peek over my shoulder to see if Harry can hear them. The minute I look at him, he turns his head from Louis, catching my eye and smiling smugly as he looks me up and down. I blush even redder turning back to the girls.

"See!? Carmen says.

"Stop!" I tell her laughing.

By the time we leave Tanner's I have a pretty good buzz going but Harry seems to be pacing himself. We head down the elevator to meet our Ubers to the club. Harry holds the door open and Carmen gets in first followed by me and then Harry, while Niall gets in the front seat. Harry's hand is immediately on my thigh and I try to pay attention to what Carmen and Niall are talking about as he rubs his hand up and down slowly. I tense my legs and he notices, only making his hand travel dangerously higher. I'm not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed when we get to the club.

When we get out of the car, he holds his hand out to help me out, doing the same for Carmen. Then he leaves me with Carmen and walks to the front door of the club, ignoring the long line that stretches down the block.

I stand back with the others as I watch him shake hands with the bouncer and speak for a minute before the bouncer is letting us in.

"What was that?" I whisper in his ear as we walk in. 

"He used to work security at Sirens," he tells me.

Everyone is excited they didn't have to wait in line or pay a cover charge and thank Harry profusely. We all immediately go to the bar to get drinks and Harry orders me a double vodka soda and himself a whiskey. Niall has other ideas when he orders a round of tequila shots for everyone. I roll my eyes at him and he shoves my shoulder jovially.

"Come on! I want to see wild CiCi tonight!" he teases me.

The large group of us cheers before knocking back the shot. I take my other drink and I can feel Harry's hand on my back as we make our way through the club. We manage to snag a booth just as a group is emptying it to go dance. I survey the crowd and bob my head to the music. It's busy in here, the dimly lit dance floor nearly packed.

Mad Love by Mabel starts playing and Angela drags us girls out onto the dance floor. I down my drink quickly and Harry grabs the glass from me, winking at me as I walk away. I can't deny the girls and I attract a lot of attention. We're four professional dancers and we're so great at syncing up our dancing now. When bad guy by Billie Eilish comes on we get super hyped, singing every word. A few guys come to try and dance with us but we manage to shrug them off.

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