Chapter 2

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Despite working until four in the morning, I had to wake up early to teach ballet at nine at the studio. The class was for four and five year olds and I was really glad that I didn't drink much the night before because it would have been impossible with a hangover. After ballet, I had a short break and then taught a hip hop class for nine and ten year olds, followed by a contemporary class for teenagers. I was exhausted by the end and I packed up my stuff quickly to head home. I worked again tonight at the club and I wanted to get a quick nap in before I left. I was grateful that my roommate wasn't home when I got there. Her and I didn't get along great but it was too expensive to live on my own. I showered quickly, before crawling into bed, setting my alarm on my phone.

When my alarm sounded, it felt like I had barely shut my eyes. I dragged my ass out of bed and attempted to manage my bed head. I dressed in mom jeans and a red cropped tee, deciding not to embarrass myself again by wearing my outfit to work. I applied makeup, more than I would usually wear but the right amount for performing. I ran some product through my naturally wavy ebony hair to tame the flyaways and accentuate the slight curl. I went in the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking for something to eat. My roommate was always eating my food and never replacing it, and today was no exception. I groaned in annoyance before taking out a bowl and some cereal and milk, making a mental note that I would have to go grocery shopping tomorrow.

When I was finished eating, I washed my bowl and then put on my black puffer jacket and my white sneakers. I selected a playlist on my phone to listen to on the train and as I opened the front door, my roommate came crashing in.

"Hey!" she said, as she let me hold the door open for her.

"Hey, you ate all my food again."

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. I'll buy some more."

"That's what you said last time."

"Sorry, I'm just not here that often," she said, not sounding sorry at all.

"How about you just eat your own food and not touch my stuff?"

"Whoa! Chill out! It's just a little bit of food!"

"Cool! Then you won't mind paying for it. I'll make sure to total up what you owe me. Have a nice night!" and I close the door harshly behind me.

I was annoyed as I arrived at the club, nodding to the doorman as he let me in past the lineup. As I walked past Liam's office, I heard him call my name so I turn around and stand in his doorway.

"CiCi, I meant to catch you last night before you left but I missed you. Your first night went amazing! I was really impressed. The owner even stopped by and he said that you were a good hire, and that's huge praise coming from him."

"Oh, that's great," I say with a bashful smile.

"Just thought you should know," he says, smiling sweetly at me.

"Thanks Liam," I say politely before leaving.

I enter the staff room area and see Carmen there.

"Hey!" I say in greeting.

"Hey girl!" she says back, sitting at the makeup chair, carefully curling her hair.

I open my locker and throw my bag in, grabbing the outfit for tonight. Tonight was Flirty Saturday and everyone who entered the club got a sticker with a number on it. Guests could send messages to numbers throughout the night, picking them up from a booth set up. Us dancers wore numbers too just for fun. I was number 4, with Carmen being 3, Angela and Nicole being 1 and 2.

Tonight they let us choose our own outfits and I picked a white short skirt and kept my red crop top with it. I pulled out a pair of black strappy heels from my bag and put them on. By now, Angela and Nicole were both here and getting ready as well. I helped Carmen curl the back of her hair and sprayed it generously with hair spray.

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