Chapter 23

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We arrive at Harry's dance studio and he doesn't try to hold my hand this time as we walk inside and I'm simultaneously relieved and disappointed. I understand where he is coming from, not knowing whether he is getting into a solo race or one that already has a horse halfway around the track. I still didn't know who I was rooting for. Zayn didn't have as much of a lead as Harry thought he did, in fact they were neck in neck.

"What were you thinking for the choreography?" I ask.

"I think Salsa Fridays should have a Latin dance feel."

"Okay," I say nodding.

"And Hip Hop Saturday's should obviously be geared towards that. College Thursdays is where you have more room to play."

"We could integrate some TikTok dances?"

"I'm not familiar," he says chuckling. "I'm not really their demographic."

"I think you're wrong about that," and drag my eyes up him.

Before he has a chance to respond, the door opens and in comes Carmen, Angela and Nicole.

"Hey!" I say in greeting and they answer back the same.

The girls get ready and stretch and Harry makes himself scarce by going to his office. When everyone's ready, the four of us stand in a circle to discuss what we want to start with. I suggest Hip Hop, and they agree, so I put some music on. We had the beginnings of a routine for this that we had been working on, but we add in more steps. We also decide to make three separate short routines that we can do throughout the night to mix it up.

When I tell them my TikTok dances suggestion for College Night, they all get very excited about the idea. Nicole knows all the dances and she starts showing us a few on her phone and demonstrating them to us. We pick out the ones we know the deejay will play the songs for and Nicole begins breaking them down step by step for us.

Finally, we are left with Salsa Fridays and everyone looks at me for the choreography. I suggest some body rolls and a bit of flashy footwork. I'm impressed by how quickly they all pick it up.

"Whatever happened with Harry asking you to Latin dance at the club?" Angela asks.

"They couldn't find me a partner," I say, trying to be nonchalant.

"It would be so rad if you taught us," Carmen says.

"Yeah, I mean, I think it could be a big draw at the club. We're in the financial district with a huge number of fairly wealthy, mostly male, businessmen who would probably pay to come with clients to watch Latin dancing. You could set the club up with tables and a VIP area. You could have a proper stage, not those boxes. Have several performances and guest performers. You could have an amateur night. Or a dance lesson night where people pay to be taught by the professionals." I say just rambling on and on at this point. "It'd be like a Vegas show. Instead of having broke college kids coming in to buy $5 beers, you could have business people buying $300 and up bottles of champagne."

The girls all look up simultaneously and I look at what has caught their attention. Harry is leaning against the doorframe of his office with his arms crossed and his eyes on me. I wonder how long he has been standing there but judging by the look on his face, long enough to hear my rant.

"Are you all done for the day?" he asks, directing his eyes at Carmen and not me.

"Yeah," she says, and I can feel her eyes on me. "For today."

We all walk back to our bags and I grab my water to drink, feeling his eyes still on me. We all start to leave together and then Harry speaks again.

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