Chapter 72

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The staff room is buzzing after everyone's last rehearsal before the club's soft opening tomorrow. A hum of chatter, a few higher pitched words from the girls, and deeper sound of laughter from the boys. I crawl through, hoping to not get sucked in to the whirlpool and I can slip out unbothered. I grab my bag and go use the bathroom to change back into my street clothes, rehanging the dress and putting it back into my locker.

"CiCi, you're coming right?!" Carmen asks me. So close.

"Coming where?" I ask, as I lean forward to look in the mirror at the dressing table.

"Out with all of us! Adrian said he knows a place."

I lean back away from the mirror, and my eyes meet Adrian's. He mouths the words come on to me. The tug to join them is present but not as much as the gravitational pull of the man outside this room.

"Another time, Carm," I say, hugging her and then Angela and Nicole before I leave. "You all did amazing tonight!"

The rest of the group goes back to their conversation but Adrian stands in front of me, blocking my way. His body is stiff, so mine stiffens to match, trying to stand up to my full height which isn't very impressive but it's worth trying. He seems my faux tough guy act and immediately stoops his shoulders, softening like butter, probably in the hopes that I'll soften too.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asks me, and it's the first time I see a hint of him being unsure of himself. His eyes search mine and I look down to avoid them.

"No, I just made other plans already," I answer him.

"Cancel them," he urges me, lifting my chin up to force me to look at him. "Remember how much fun we had on Wednesday?"

"I know but..."

"You know what I think? I think you're scared to let loose. You're scared of what people will think of the perfect CiCi Toscano if she lets her hair down for once. But I think that woman who was dancing with her hands in the air, with sweat on her forehead and a smile on her face, I think she is closer to being the real you than this version you show everyone else."

We stand staring at each other as I feel his words seep into me. I hate that they're effecting me because there's definitely a part of me that felt free and without a care dancing with him that night. The fact that I knew I was doing something I shouldn't be somehow made the night even better. I've been such a rule follower my entire life and had so many eyes watching me that I loved the feeling of no one at that club knowing who I was. No expectations of me, I was just a girl out having a good time.

He sees he has gotten to me and steps even closer, completely invading my space now as his hand goes to my waist.

"Come. Please."

Two simple words and I feel them nearly down to my toes. That's not where you're supposed to feel words. And the please tagged on from a man who is blunt and rude most of the time is having more of an impact than a single word should.

But Harry comes into the room and my focus breaks off of Adrian. He quickly removes his hand from my waist and steps back to his locker.

"You ready?" Harry asks. I nod back in response and wave a little goodbye to everyone. Harry takes my hand and leads me out and I look back at Adrian and I see disappointment on his face. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not coming or because I'm with Harry, or maybe both. It's enough to almost make me turn around and change my mind. Almost.

Harry takes my bag, throwing it over his shoulder, and when we get to his car he opens the door for me. I get inside and soon we're driving towards his apartment.

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